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Special Education Department School Year.

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1 Special Education Department 2016-2017 School Year

2 Topics 2016-17 Case Manager Meeting Dates Major Responsibilities of the ARD Administrator Major Responsibilities of Case Managers Accessing the Case Manager Handbook and supporting files Principal’s Notebook for Special Education Student Support Logs Restraints Professional Development Resources Contact Us

3 2016-17 Case Manager Meeting Dates September 19 October 17 November 14 December 12 January 17 (Tuesday) February 20 March 20 April 18 (Tuesday) No Case Manager meeting in May

4 Major Responsibilities of the ARD Administrator Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §300.321 requires t he ARD Administrator (or LEA Representative) be someone who: 1.Is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities [300.321(a)(4)(i)]; 2.Is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum [300.321(a)(4)(ii)]; and 3.Is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the LEA [300.321(a)(4)(iii)].

5 Major Responsibilities of the ARD Administrator, cont. It is recommended that all ARD Administrators attend “ARD Boss” training no less than annually as updates to federal and state requirements do occur. This, in turn, changes the obligations of the local education agency (LEA). Please contact Teri Rinewalt at 755-9569 to schedule this training.

6 Major Responsibilities of Case Managers Develop, oversee the implementation of, and progress monitor a student’s IEP. Report progress to the parent or guardian. Train the general education teacher(s) in how to effectively implement the IEP prior to the first day of instruction and immediately following each ARD. Collaborate with the general education teacher(s) to ensure that a special education student is receiving the services outlined in the IEP, and that he/she has access to the general education curriculum.

7 Major Responsibilities of Case Managers, cont. Maintain the Principal’s Notebook. Attend all Case Manager Meetings. The meetings are mandatory for all special education teachers as they provide vital information geared toward appropriately carrying out case manager duties. Serve as a liaison between general education and special education, i.e. disseminate information gained from professional development trainings at the campus level. For example, request time at campus level meetings (staff meetings, PLC’s, staffings) to share updated information, instructional strategies, and other pertinent material. Comply with all established timelines, including departmental, district, state, and federal procedures.

8 Accessing the Case Manager Handbook and supporting files The Case Manager Handbook, along with required forms and additional resources, can be located in the Special Education Conference on FirstClass. Please contact Laurie Tresl, Secondary, or Stephanie Nicholson, Elementary, at 755-9569 if you would like a PDF of these documents emailed to you.

9 Principal’s Notebook for Special Education An ongoing record of student services and progress for all special education students on the campus. The intent is that all principals have ready access to all student special education information. They must be able to respond quickly to any questions that may arise regarding special education students and the implementation of their IEPs.

10 Principal’s Notebook for Special Education, cont. The Principal’s Notebook for Special Education must be updated each reporting period to include: Updated case manager roster; Support logs (must include all support logs each reporting period); DBRC (must include all DBRC’s each reporting period); Goals/ Objectives (replaced if ARD conducted since last reporting period); Accommodations/Modifications (replaced if ARD conducted since last reporting period); Dissemination Log – or copies of email w/history (replaced if ARD conducted since last reporting period); BIP (replaced if ARD conducted since last reporting period); STAAR A/STAAR-Alternate 2 Justification (replaced if ARD conducted since last reporting period); Student Schedule of Services (replaced if ARD conducted since last reporting period).

11 Student Support Log Documents service provision as prescribed by the ARD committee. Maintained daily for all students receiving inclusion and/or pull-out services.


13 Restraints 19 Texas Administrative Code § 89.1053 defines restraint as “ the use of physical force or a mechanical device to significantly restrict the free movement of all or a portion of the student's body.” All restraints must be documented in the following manner: On the day restraint is utilized, the campus administrator or designee must be notified verbally or in writing regarding the use of restraint; On the day restraint is utilized, a good faith effort must be made to verbally notify the parent regarding the use of restraint; Written notification of the use of restraint must be placed in the mail or otherwise provided to the parent within one school day of the use of restraint; Written documentation regarding the use of restraint must be placed in the child's special education eligibility folder in a timely manner so the information is available to the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee when it considers the impact of the child's behavior on the child's learning and/or the creation or revision of a behavioral intervention plan (BIP).

14 Restraints, cont. Written notification to the parent and documentation to the child's special education eligibility folder must include the following: Name of the child; Name of the staff member or staff members administering the restraint; Date of the restraint and the time the restraint began and ended; Location of the restraint; Nature of the restraint; A description of the activity in which the child was engaged immediately preceding the use of restraint; The behavior that prompted the restraint; The efforts made to de-escalate the situation and alternatives to restraint that were attempted; and Information documenting parent contact and notification. Contact Curt McCollum or La Donna Pembleton at 755-9569 to schedule CPI training.

15 Professional Development Offered to all Special Education Teachers Instructional Special Education 101 Disability Training PLAAFP development Goal development using the TEKS Vertical Alignment WEBB’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Functions of Behavior Inclusion Misconceptions Curriculum Map guidance Lead4Ward- Activities Marzano’s Nine High Yield Instructional Strategies Legal Walsh Gallegos – Legal Training National Educators Law Institute (NELI) Dually-Coded Students Graduation Video Surveillance Twice Exceptional Students (2e) Bullying Positive Behavior Supports Inclusion of Behaviorally Challenged Students Use of Time-Out and Restraint with the Special Needs Child

16 Professional Development, cont. Any of the Special Education Department’s trainings would be appropriate for campus administration, as well as campus general education and special education staff. Your Special Education Teachers have received the previous trainings through Case Manager PLC meetings. They would be able to share the information with your campus staff. Additionally, the Special Education Department can tailor professional development sessions to meet the individual needs of each campus to include time variations (10 minutes up to 1 ½ hours), specific topics of interest, and one-time vs. ongoing training throughout the year.

17 Resources The Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Special Education Process ge.aspx ge.aspx Notice of Procedural Safeguards (English) ENG.pdf ENG.pdf Notice of Procedural Safeguards (Spanish) SPAN.pdf SPAN.pdf

18 Resources, cont. A Parent’s Guide to the ARD Process (English) A Parent’s Guide to the ARD Process (Spanish) N.pdf N.pdf Special Education Rules and Regulations Side by Side

19 For further assistance, or to schedule professional development for your campus… Dana Pate, Special Education Director Laurie Tresl, Special Education Secondary Coordinator Curt McCollum, Special Ed. Secondary Instructional Specialist Stephanie Nicholson, Special Education Elementary Coordinator La Donna Pembleton, Special Ed. Elementary Instructional Specialist Teri Rinewalt, Coordinator of Special Education Assessment, Section 504, and Dyslexia Julie Wolfe, Special Education Coordinator of Speech and Related Services Trudy Bender, Coordinator of District Behavior Intervention Special Education Department Office 254-755-9569

20 Final Thoughts…to inspire you

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