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Lifelong Learning UK. LLUK 4 Countries – 5 Constituencies Community Learning & Development Further Education Higher Education Libraries, Information Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Lifelong Learning UK. LLUK 4 Countries – 5 Constituencies Community Learning & Development Further Education Higher Education Libraries, Information Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lifelong Learning UK

2 LLUK 4 Countries – 5 Constituencies Community Learning & Development Further Education Higher Education Libraries, Information Services and Archivists Work Based Learning Sector Skills Agreement Sector Qualifications Strategy influence Government Policy Deliver Workforce Development programmes

3 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils The Workforce Strategy for the FE sector in England – four priorities Priority 1 Understanding the nature of the workforce Priority 2 Attracting and recruiting the best people and improving the sector image Priority 3 Retaining and developing the modern, professionalised workforce Priority 4Ensuring equality and diversity is at the heart of the strategy, policy making, planning and training

4 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils 4 Understanding the Workforce Yorkshire and Humberside (2006/07): Workforce Representation BME Average Pop. Learners Managers Teachers Others 8.3 18.1 5.3 8.0 8.2

5 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils 5 Understanding the Workforce Managers (%)Teaching Staff (%) Non-Teaching Staff (%) Under 25 4.02.612.8 25-29 30-34 35-39 12.212.711.0 40-44 45-49 16.615.813.1 50-54 55-59 15.713.911.1 60 and above

6 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Data Collected in WBL and ACL Sectors Date of Birth Information on Ethnicity Date of Appointment Qualifications of Tutor/Trainer Information on Gender Information on Disability Annual Pay ( in bands) Figure for fraction of full time

7 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Workforce Skills in Lifelong Learning ICT Staff: a)5.7% of teaching staff in FE teach ICT. b) This figure has stayed fairly consistent over past 5 years Skills Shortages(07): a)23% of organisations with general IT user skills b)23% of organisations with IT professional skills

8 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Catalyst Programme Structure Pass on Your Skills Encourage practitioners to take up a career in FE Assist learning providers to recruit traditionally “hard to fill” vacancies Business Interchange Offering structured work placement opportunities to update vocational skills Placements in the pilot phase ranged from one day to 12 weeks Leaders and Managers Equality and Diversity Developing Teachers Make a Difference Recruit highly motivated graduate calibre individuals into management positions Provide support for them to become future leaders in the FE sector Business Talent Attract exceptional talent from business and the public sector directly into senior leadership roles Strategic review process Recruitment toolkit Individual support

9 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Assisting providers to recruit into “hard to fill” vacancies Priority skills areas: engineering health & social care In Yorkshire and Humberside: 25 registrations in Engineering, 49 in Health and Social Care Nationally: 766 registrations in Engineering, 593 in Health and Social care Register on Pass on Your Skills

10 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils National advertising recruitment campaign Candidates assessed and successful candidates shortlisted Candidates can apply for current management vacancies You include them in your recruitment process Successful candidates benefit from a fully funded,12-month leadership development programme Make a Difference

11 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Enables teachers, tutors and trainers in the FE sector to update their industry related skills through a variety of learning experiences Successful major pilot programme delivered more than 500 FE sector “business exchanges” £500 per ‘placement’, maximum of 15 people per organisation List of criteria for ‘placement’ on website Register on Business Interchange

12 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils What is Professional Recognition? Professional standing A process by which competent and experienced teachers can be recognised as having professional standing in the workforce A robust and rigorous application process

13 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Why apply? It is an aspiration of the DIUS that the FE ``workforce will be fully qualified by 2010. Professional Recognition is one route ``towards achieving QTLS (Skills for Life) ``or QTLS/ATLS (other areas of learning)

14 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement Community Development Youth Work

15 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils 15 What Does LLUK Do to Promote E&D in the Sector? DIUS has asked LLUK to lead strategically on E&D in Sector: Workforce Race Advisory Group Disability Equality Implementation Group Forum on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

16 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils What are the main issues facing your organisation today/over the next year with e-learning? Question 1

17 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils How do these issues affect your recruitment, retention and development of staff? Question 2

18 Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils 18 Roger Holt LLUK Sector Engagement Adviser, North of England 07595 280742 Thank You!

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