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 Research Volunteer Training CITI HIPAA QUEST BTG IRB Radiological Sciences Department.

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Presentation on theme: " Research Volunteer Training CITI HIPAA QUEST BTG IRB Radiological Sciences Department."— Presentation transcript:

1  Research Volunteer Training CITI HIPAA QUEST BTG IRB Radiological Sciences Department

2 Quick Guide 1. Request access to QUEST, IMPAX/PACS, Red Cap, etc. to Dr. Eduardo HR 2. Required Tutorials  Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)  HIPAA  QUEST Breaking the Glass (web/live training) protections/researchers/training-and-education.html 3. Institutional Review Board (IRB) training protections/index.html protections/index.html

3 UCI Office of Research

4 CITI “Human Research Protections”

5  Register as a "New User" or log in if you are already a User.  Select "University of California, Irvine" as the Participating Institution.  Use your UCINetID as your username when registering.  Use your UCI email address as the "Preferred Email.”  Enroll in Human Subjects Research (HSR)  Complete the training

6 HIPAA Training


8  HIPAA Research Tutorial is required for individuals engaged in Human Subjects Research and whose research involves access, use, creation, or disclosure of Protected/Personal Health Information.  The UCI IRB will not accept completion of HIPAA Research tutorials from other institutions.

9 QUEST Breaking the Glass  Request Access to Dr. Eduardo HR  You will receive an email with instructions to complete:  Online training  Live training  Remember: “You can´t have access to any patient information until you are part from an approved IRB”

10 IRB Training for Submission

11 Research Division Team  Dr. Wanda Marfori   714 456-6617  Dr. Eduardo Hernandez-Rangel   714.456.5542  Sahil Batra   714.456.8516

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