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Science Research Symposium Booklet Outline Created By Danna Tsipenyuk.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Research Symposium Booklet Outline Created By Danna Tsipenyuk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Research Symposium Booklet Outline Created By Danna Tsipenyuk

2 For the symposium, each student will have a page in the booklet that briefly describes the student and his or her work.

3 Juniors/sophomores who did work last summer: and during the year(UBP )-present original research project First and last Name. Grade General Field of Research Specific topic Being Researched Mentor: Title+ Name+ position+ institution. SR Teacher Title of original research paper. Abstract Institution of summer work(if different than mentor’s) Accomplishments+ future plans Acknowledgements (I would like to thank…)

4 Juniors/sophomores who did not do work over the summer: present a journal article First and last Name Grade General Field of Research Specific topic Being Researched Mentor (if you have one for next year) SR Teacher Title of Journal article presented+authors Institute of summer research Accomplishments (competitions observed, symposiums attended etc.) Acknowledgements

5 Your picture your picture (2”x1.5”)

6 Lets make the 3 rd annual symposium a good one!!!!!! Good Luck Everybody and have fun!

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