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January 29,  Survey Highlights  Next steps  Focus Groups  Funding and support.

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Presentation on theme: "January 29,  Survey Highlights  Next steps  Focus Groups  Funding and support."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 29, 2015

2  Survey Highlights  Next steps  Focus Groups  Funding and support

3  Job Seekers – 11%  Employers – 11%  Workforce Partners – 19%

4  brand recognition  Statewide support for brand change  Workforce system logo/identity disconnect  80% of employers and job seekers using the Workforce Centers view us as convenient, useful, welcoming and respected.  Perceptions: low skill, entry level workers, low wage jobs  Missing millennial feedback  Benefits: increased awareness and understanding and reduced confusion


6  86% had used a Minnesota WorkForce Center  81% had used  34% had used a city, local or regional government or non-profit employment services office or organization

7  80%+ Minnesota Workforce System to be valuable 1/3 of job seekers did not understand the connections amongst partners 1/3 of job seekers did not feel that the system was valuable to job seekers looking for high- skill or professional jobs.

8  52% useful to low-skill, entry-level job seekers.  46% caters to job seekers applying for low wage and blue collar production jobs,


10  More than 70 percent of respondents supported some degree of change to the system branding:


12  61% had used a Minnesota WorkForce Center  60% had used  17% had used a city, local or regional government or non-profit employment services office or organization

13  58% useful for hiring low-skill, entry-level jobs  46% caters to job seekers applying for low wage and blue collar production jobs


15  More than 80 percent of respondents supported some degree of change to the system branding:


17 HighMediumLowRespondents Professional, Reliable, Knowledgeable 52%41%7%465 Convenient, Easy to Use, Welcoming 43%44%13%462 Effective, Productive, Useful 40%52%8%459 Reputable, Well-Known, Respected 39%47%14%446 Modern, Up-to-Date, Advanced23%56%21%452


19  The majority of respondents (82%) supported some degree of change to the system branding:


21  Separate groups for employers, job seekers and partners  Timing  Location(s)  Diverse participants

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