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Anotace: Anotace Didaktický učební materiál je určen pro žáky 4. ročníku maturitního oboru SOŠ. Je v něm zpracován maturitní okruh, který je prezentován.

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Presentation on theme: "Anotace: Anotace Didaktický učební materiál je určen pro žáky 4. ročníku maturitního oboru SOŠ. Je v něm zpracován maturitní okruh, který je prezentován."— Presentation transcript:


2 Anotace: Anotace Didaktický učební materiál je určen pro žáky 4. ročníku maturitního oboru SOŠ. Je v něm zpracován maturitní okruh, který je prezentován a procvičován pomocí moderní technologie – interaktivní tabule. Zároveň jsou uvedeny otázky, které motivují žáky k samostatnému projevu. Metodický pokyn Materiál je vhodný pro práci s celou třídou, vede žáky k opakování, procvičování a nácviku samostatného projevu.

3 WHY DO PEOPLE LEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGES?  There are lots of different reasons why to learn languages:  TASK - add more reasons:  Is it important for Czech people to learn foreign languages? We would like to communicate when we travel abroad We need it for a job We would like to understand films and songs We would like to have friends from abroad The Czech Republic is a small country with only 10 million inhabitants The Czech language is not a world language

4 LEARNING OTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGES  In the Czech Republic, children start studying one or two foreign languages at the primary school. The most common is English and German, sometimes French, Spanish or Russian. To study a foreign language is obligatory.  You can study a foreign language also out of school at different language schools or take private lessons but you have to pay for it.

5 WAYS OF STUDYING FOREIGN LANGUAGES - QUESTIONS  What do you need to learn if you study a foreign language? When I learn a foreign language I need to know grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling I also need to be able to write, read, listen and speak It is good for me to know something about the history and way of life in the English speaking countries

6 WAYS OF STUDYING FOREIGN LANGUAGES - QUESTIONS  Which skill do you prefer?  Which skill is the easiest / the most difficult for you? Why? Reading, listening, writing or speaking?

7 STUDYING FOREIGN LANGUAGES - QUESTIONS  When did you start studying English?  How long have you been studying English?  How many foreign languages do you speak?  In how many countries do you make yourself understood ? KINDERGARTEN WITH FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL,

8 LEARNING ENGLISH AT SCHOOL  What do you enjoy in English lessons?  What don’t you enjoy in English lessons? Vocabulary, grammar, songs, reading, listening, singing songs, games, watching films, … Tests, grammar, ……

9 LEARNING ENGLISH AT SCHOOL  Describe learning English at school  What makes you troubles in learning English?  How do you prepare for English lessons?  How do you learn? Do you learn regularly?  Do you do homework?  Where can you study foreign languages besides schools? FURNISHED LANGUAGE CLASSROOM WITH TEACHING AIDS: VIDEOS, DICTIONARIES, DVD RECORDERS, (OVERHEAD) PROJECTORS, WALL-CHARTS, MAPS, PC, THE INTERNET LANGUAGE COURSES FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS, ENROLL TO A LANGUAGE SCHOOL, TV COURSES, TAKE LESSONS FROM PRIVATE TEACHERS

10 LEARNING ENGLISH  Suggest the easiest and fastest way how to learn a foreign language.  What are other easy ways to learn English? The sooner you start the better To spend some time abroad To study in a foreigh country To have a pen friend To watch films in English without subtitles To listen to English songs To read English books, magazines or newspaper To participate in an English project or e-twinning To take part in a school exchange

11 LEARNING ENGLISH  Have you ever had the opportunity to speak English? When / where? How did you feel?  Do you think are you good at English? Did you improve your English at the secondary school?  Will you improve your language skills in the future?


13 Použité zdroje: Just for the "PUN" of it!. Bridge: English magazine for students. 2010, roč. 14, č. 01. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Dr. Anna Štiplová.

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