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Golden Age of Muslim Civilization Unit 2 Section 3 TYWL: How do religions influence political power and create cultural unity in European Regions? I can:

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1 Golden Age of Muslim Civilization Unit 2 Section 3 TYWL: How do religions influence political power and create cultural unity in European Regions? I can: identify how all religions are similar. I can trace & give examples of how beliefs influence actions.

2 Question of the Day 8 The Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in history because it (1) influenced climatic changes (2) included the domestication of plants and animals (3) encouraged a nomadic lifestyle (4) caused a decline in population

3 Muslim Society  Islamic law encouraged the freeing of slaves The Muslim Economy  (750 and 1360), vast trading network. Camel Caravans “ships of the desert” traveled into W. Africa. Moved along the Silk Road. Influences on Art and Literature  MUSLIM ART & LITERATURE –Couldn’t portray God/human figures. Poetry: The Rubaiyat collection of poems. Arab tales the book The Thousand and One Nights.

4 PHILOSOPHY –Ibn Khaldun Stressed economics & social structure Muslim Advances in Learning MATHEMATICS –Al-Khwarizmi study of algebra & wrote a mathematics textbook that b/c standard in Europe. MEDICINE –Gov’t set up hospitals w/ emergency rooms. Separate wards for women. –Muhammad al-Razi studied measles & smallpox. Treat the mind as well as the body. –Ibn Sina (Avecenna) wrote a medical encyclopedia. Canon on Medicine. –Surgeons developed treatment for cataracts. cataracts.

5 The Delhi Sultanate –Invaders entered northern India & organized a sultanate, or land ruled by a sultan. –Intro. Muslim traditions of gov’t to India. Muslims in India Akbar the Great  Akbar strengthened Mughal India. Accomplished: –religious toleration –Modernized the army Shah Jahan  Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.

6 The Ottoman and Safavid Empires Safavid Essential Standards: How do religions influence political power and create cultural unity in European Regions? I can: identify how all religions are similar. I can trace & give examples of how beliefs influence actions.

7 “Gunpowder Empires”  Mughals--India, Ottomans & Safavids  Period from about 1450 to 1650: “the age of gunpowder empires.” The Ottoman Empire Under Suleiman “Lawgiver.” Government –Absolute power. “Protector of the Sacred Places” (Mecca & Medina).Ruled w/a grand vizier & council. –Christian families in the Balkans sent young sons to the gov’t. – Best soldiers placed in the janizaries, elite force of the Ottoman army.

8 Society 4 classes: –“men of the pen” (lawyers etc.) & “men of the sword” at the top. –“men of negotiation.” (merchants) & “men of husbandry” (farmers) –Non-Muslims were organized into millets, or religious communities Arts –Sinan designed magnificent mosques and palaces.

9 Abbas the Great  The Safavid shah, or king, Abbas the Great revived the glory of ancient Persia: centralized gov’t strengthened the economy tolerated non-Muslims forged alliances w/ European states Decline of Safavid  Death of Shah Abbas.  Ottoman armies  Shiite scholars challenged the shah’s authority.  Sunni Afghans rebelled & took over Isfahan.

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