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Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-1 Chapter 3 The External Assessment Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 9 th edition Fred R. David PowerPoint Slides.

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Presentation on theme: "Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-1 Chapter 3 The External Assessment Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 9 th edition Fred R. David PowerPoint Slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-1 Chapter 3 The External Assessment Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 9 th edition Fred R. David PowerPoint Slides by Anthony F. Chelte Western New England College

2 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-2 Chapter Outline The Nature of an External Audit Economic Forces Social, Cultural, Demographic, and Environmental Forces

3 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-3 Chapter Outline Political, Governmental, and Legal Forces Technological Forces Competitive Forces

4 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-4 Chapter Outline Competitive Analysis: –Porter’s Five-Forces Model Sources of External Information Forecasting Tools and Techniques

5 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-5 Chapter Outline The Global Challenge Industry Analysis: –The External Factor Evaluation Matrix The Competitive Profile Matrix

6 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-6 The External Assessment Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. -- Neils Bohr

7 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-7 External Strategic Management Audit Also called: –Environmental scanning –Industry analysis

8 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-8 External Strategic Management Audit External Audit: –Identification and evaluation of trends and events beyond control of single firm Increased foreign competition Populations shifts Aging society Information technology Computer revolution

9 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-9 Purpose: –Development of Finite List: Opportunities Threats to be avoided Nature of External Audit

10 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-10 Five (5) broad categories: 1.Economic forces 2.Social, cultural, demographic, & environmental forces 3.Political, governmental, and legal forces 4.Technological factors 5.Competitive forces Key External Forces

11 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-11 Relationships Between Key External Forces and an Organization Key External Forces Competitors Suppliers Distributors Creditors Customers Employees Communities Managers Stockholders Labor Unions Special Interest Groups Products Services Opportunities & Threats

12 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-12 Performing an External Audit Gather competitive intelligence on factors: –Social –Cultural –Demographic –Environmental –Economic –Political, legal, governmental –technological

13 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-13 Performing an External Audit Sources of information include: –Internet –Libraries (corporate, university, public) –Suppliers –Distributors –Customers –Competition

14 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-14 Performing an External Audit Key factors: –Vary over time –Vary by industry

15 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-15 Performing an External Audit Variables include: –Market share –Breadth of competing products –World economies –Foreign affiliates –Proprietary account advantages –Price competitiveness –Technological advancements –Interest rates –Pollution abatement

16 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-16 Key External Factors Key External Factors: 1.Oriented to long-term & annual objectives 2.Measurable 3.Applicable to all competing firms 4.Hierarchical Overall company Divisional or functional areas

17 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-17 Economic Forces Monitor Key Economic Variables:  Availability of credit  Level of disposable income  Interest rates  Inflation rates  Money market rates  Federal government budget deficits  Gross domestic product trend  Consumption patterns

18 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-18 Monitor Key Economic Variables: Unemployment trends Worker productivity levels Value of the dollar in world markets Stock market trends Foreign countries’ economic conditions Import/export factors Demand shifts for goods/services Income differences by region/customer

19 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-19 Monitor Key Economic Variables: Price fluctuations Exportation of labor & capital Monetary policies Fiscal policies Tax rates ECC policies OPEC policies LDC policies

20 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-20 Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmental Forces Major impact on: –Products –Services –Markets –customers

21 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-21 Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmental Forces Consider: United States— –Population growing older –Less Caucasian –Gap between rich and poor widening –65 and older will rise to 18.5% of population by 2025 –By 2075, no racial or ethnic majority

22 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-22 Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmental Forces World population > 6 billion U.S. population < 300 million Great potential for domestic production expansion to other markets Domestic only is a risky strategy

23 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-23 Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmental Forces NAFTA – U.S. exports to Mexico increased 170% – 2000, U.S. trade deficits: Mexico -- $25 billion China -- $84 billion Japan -- $81 billion – 2001 Recession (U.S. and World) > 60,000 laid off along Mexico Border with U.S.

24 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-24 Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmental Forces Trends for the 2000’s – – More educated consumers – Population aging – Minorities more influential – Local rather than federal solutions – Fixation with youth decreasing – Hispanics increase to 15% by 2021 – African Americans increase to 14% by 2021

25 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-25 Social, Cultural, Demographic & Environmental Forces Key variables – Childbearing rates Number of special-interest groups Number of marriages Number of divorces Number of births Number of deaths Immigration & emigration rates

26 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-26 Monitor Key Variables Life expectancy rates Per capita income Attitudes toward business Average disposable income Buying habits Ethical concerns Attitudes toward saving

27 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-27 Monitor Key Variables Racial equality Average level of education Government regulation Attitudes toward customer service Attitudes toward product quality Energy conservation Social responsibility

28 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-28 Monitor Key Variables Value placed on leisure time Recycling Waste management Air & water pollution Ozone depletion Endangered species

29 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-29 Political, Govt., & Legal Forces Government Regulation Key opportunities & key threats Antitrust legislation (Microsoft) Tax rates Lobbying efforts Patent laws

30 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-30 Political, Govt., & Legal Forces Increasing Global Interdependence Impact of political variables –Formulation of Strategies –Implementation of Strategies

31 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-31 Political, Govt., & Legal Forces Increasing Global Interdependence Strategists in a global economy Forecast political climates Legalistic skills Diverse world cultures

32 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-32 Political, Govt., & Legal Forces Globalization of Industry Worldwide trend toward similar consumption patterns Global buyers & sellers E-commerce Instant transmission of money & information across continents

33 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-33 Political, Govt., & Legal Forces : Key Political, govt., & legal variables: Government regulation/deregulation Tax law changes Special tariffs Political Action Committees (PACs) Voter participation rates Number of patents Changes in patent laws

34 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-34 Key Political, Government & Legal Variables Environmental protection laws Equal employment legislation Level of government subsidies Antitrust legislation/enforcement Sino-American relationships Russian-American relationships European-American relationships

35 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-35 Key Political, Government & Legal Variables African-American relationships Import-export regulations Monetary policy Political conditions in other countries Government budgets World oil, currency, & labor markets Location and severity of terrorist activities

36 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-36 Technological Forces Revolutionary technological forces: Profound impact on organizations Internet Semiconductors XML technologies UWB communications

37 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-37 Technological Forces Internet changes the nature of opportunities and threats -- Alters life cycle of products Increases speed of distribution Creates new products and services Eases limitations of geographic markets Alters economies of scale Changes entry barriers

38 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-38 Technological Forces Capitalizing on Information Technology (IT) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

39 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-39 Technological Forces Technology-based issues –Underlie nearly every strategic decision

40 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-40 Competitive Forces Collection and evaluation of information on competitors is essential for successful strategy formulation

41 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-41 Competitive Forces Competition in virtually all industries can be described as intense.

42 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-42 Competitive Forces Identifying rival firms Strengths Weaknesses Capabilities Opportunities Threats Objectives Strategies

43 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-43 Competitive Forces Key Questions About Competitors: Their strengths Their weaknesses Their objectives and strategies Their responses to all external variables (e.g. social, political, demographic, etc.) Their vulnerability to our alternative strategies

44 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-44 Competitive Forces Key Questions About Competitors: Our vulnerability to successful strategic counterattack Our product and service positioning relative to competitors Entry and exit of firms in the industry Key factors for our current position in industry

45 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-45 Competitive Forces Key Questions About Competitors: Sales and profit rankings of competitors over time Nature of supplier and distributor relationships The threat of substitute products or services

46 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-46 Competitive Forces Sources of Corporate Information: Moody’s Manuals Standard Corporation Descriptions Value Line Investment Surveys Dun’s Business Rankings Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys Industry Week Forbes, Fortune, Business Week

47 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-47 Competitive Forces 7 Characteristics of most competitive U.S. firms: 1. Market share matters 2. Understand what business you are in 3. Broke or not, fix it 4. Innovate or evaporate

48 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-48 Competitive Forces 7 Characteristics of most competitive U.S. firms: 5. Acquisition is essential to growth 6. People make a difference 7. No substitute for quality

49 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-49 Competitive Forces Competitive Intelligence Programs: Systematic and ethical process for gathering and analyzing information about the competition’s activities and general business trends to further a business’ own goals.

50 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-50 Competitive Analysis: Porter’s Five- Forces Model Potential development of substitute products Rivalry among competing firms Bargaining power of suppliers Potential entry of new competitors Bargaining power of consumers

51 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-51 Global Challenge International Challenge faced by U.S. firms: –How to gain and maintain exports to other nations –How to defend domestic markets against imported goods

52 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-52 Industry Analysis (EFE) External Factor Evaluation Matrix Summarize & evaluate: CompetitivePoliticalCultural TechnologicalEnvironmentalSocial GovernmentalDemographic Economic

53 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-53 Industry Analysis (EFE) Five-Step process: List key external factors (10-20)  Opportunities & threats Assign weight to each (0 to 1.0)  Sum of all weights = 1.0

54 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-54 Industry Analysis (EFE) Five-step process:Five-step process: Assign 1-4 rating to each factor Firm’s current strategies response to the factor Multiply each factor’s weight by its rating Produces a weighted score

55 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-55 Industry Analysis (EFE) Five-step process: Sum the weighted scores for each  Determines the total weighted score for the organization. Highest possible weighted score for the organization is 4.0; the lowest, 1.0. Average = 2.5

56 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-56.201 Clinton Administration.202.10 Bad media exposure from FDA.102.05 Smokeless market SE region U.S..153.05 Production limits on tobacco.202.10 Legislation against the tobacco industry Threats.303.10 More social pressure to quit smoking 2.101.00TOTAL.604.15 Pinkerton leader in discount market.051 Astronomical Internet growth.153.05 Increased demand.151 Global markets untapped Weighted score RatingWeight UST—Key External Factors Opportunities

57 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-57 Industry Analysis (EFE) Total weighted score of 4.0 = Organization response is outstanding to threats & weaknesses Total weighted score of 1.0 = Firm’s strategies not capitalizing on opportunities or avoiding threats

58 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-58 Industry Analysis (EFE) UST (in the previous example), has a total weighted score of 2.10 indicating that the firm is below average in its effort to pursue strategies that capitalize on external opportunities and avoid threats.

59 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-59 Industry Analysis (EFE) Important Understanding of the factors used in the EFE Matrix is more important than the actual weights and ratings assigned.

60 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-60 Industry Analysis (CPM) Competitive Profile Matrix Identifies firm’s major competitors and their strengths & weaknesses in relation to a sample firm’s strategic position

61 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-61 (CPM) Procter Avon L’Oreal & Gamble 2.803.253.151.00 Total 0.1530.20 4 0.05 1 Market Share 0.402 2 0.80 4 0.20 Global Expansion 0.2020.40 4 4 0.10 Customer Loyalty 0.453 3 0.60 4 0.15 Financial Position 0.303 3 0.40 4 0.10 Management 0.4040.30 3 3 0.10 Price Competition 0.3030.40 4 4 0.10 Product Quality 0.6030.80 4 0.20 1 Advertising ScoreRatingScoreRatingScoreRatingWeight Critical Success Factor

62 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-62 Key Terms America Online Chief Information Officer (CIO) Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Competitive advantages Competitive analysis Competitive intelligence (CI) Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)

63 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-63 Key Terms Critical success factors Cyberspace Decruiting Director of competitive analysis Downsizing Econometric models Environmental scanning External audit External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix

64 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-64 Key Terms External forces Industry analysis Information Technology (IT) Industrial policies Internet learning from the partner Linear regression

65 Fred R. David Prentice Hall Ch.3-65 Key Terms Porter’s Five-Forces Model Netscape On-Line databases Rightsizing Trend extrapolation World Wide Web (www)

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