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Recycling By Jacob Nolen Arkansas State University

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2 Recycling By Jacob Nolen Arkansas State University

3 Recycling Statistics  On average, every person produces 4.4 pounds of waste a day. That adds up to nearly a ton of trash per person every year.  Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 4,000 kilowatts of energy, and 7,000 gallons of water.  The U.S. is the #1 trash producing country in the world.  In the U.S., approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year.  The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years!

4 What is Recycling?  Recycling is the process of using old materials (waste) that we would normally throw away and turn into new and useful products.

5 Importance of Recycling  Recycling is important today if we want to leave this planet for generations to come.  Recycling makes our environment clean.  Recycling reduces garbage in landfills.  It saves energy.  Conserves materials

6 Ways to Reduce  Walk or ride a bike  Unplug  Seldom-used appliances  Use power strips  Turn off multiple objects at once  Set computers to sleep  “Smart power strips”  See the light  Turn off light when leaving a room

7 Other Ways to Reduce  Take Control of the Temperature  Set thermostat  Use sunlight wisely  Use Appliances Efficiently  Refrigerators  Dishwashers  Washers and Dryers  Ovens

8 Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages  Protects Environment  Reduces Energy Consumption  Reduces Pollution Disadvantages  Not always cost effective  Recycled Products May Not Last Long  Unsafe and Unhygienic Recycling Sites

9 Advantages and Disadvantages  Reduces Global Warming  Conserves Natural Resources  Creates Green Jobs  Not widespread on Large Scale  High Initial Cost  Recycling produces methane gas

10 What Happens to Stuff We Throw Away?

11 Items We Can Recycle  Plastics  Metals  Aluminum Foil  Aluminum Cans  Tin Cans  Steel Cans  Bakeware  Junk Mail  Glass  Paper  Cardboard  Magazines  Newspapers  Batteries  Electronics

12 Recycling in 3 Easy Steps  Collection  Four Methods  Curbside, Drop-off Centers, Buy-back centers, Deposit/Refund Programs  Processing  Items are sorted and broken down  Purchase Recycled Products  Buy items that have been recycled

13 References  http://www.conserve-energy- http://www.conserve-energy-  asp asp  http://www.recycling- http://www.recycling-

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