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WELCOME! key stage 2 tests Monday 9 th May to Thursday 12 th May.

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2 2016 key stage 2 tests Monday 9 th May to Thursday 12 th May.

3 The KS2 tests must be taken on the scheduled day. DateTest Monday 9 th MayEnglish reading test (60 minutes) Tuesday 10 th May English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Paper 1: questions (45 minutes) English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Paper 2: spelling (Approximately 15 minutes) Wednesday 11 th MayMathematics Paper 1: arithmetic test (30mins) Mathematics Paper 2:reasoning (40mins) Thursday 12 th MayMathematics Paper 3:reasoning (40 mins)

4 English reading paper Questions 16–24 are about Giants (page 7). (a)What does the ‘giant’ do to frighten the snail? (b) What does the ‘giant’ do to frighten the frog? 18. Gentle, and small, and frail How do these words make the reader feel about the snail?

5 English reading paper 22. Just for the joy Of watching you jump, scramble, tumble, fall Find and copy two more words from the poem that show that the frog was frightened. 24. What is the main message of the poem? Tick one. People can learn a lot from holding small creatures. People should think about how their actions affect others. People are much bigger than frogs and snails. People should overcome their fear of nature.

6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions 4. Which sentence has been punctuated correctly? Tick one. Immediately after, dinner we did the washing up. Immediately after dinner we did, the washing up. Immediately after dinner, we did the washing up. Immediately, after dinner we did the washing up.

7 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling 1. Sara wanted to be an explorer and _______________new lands. 2. The spy was sent on a secret ________________. 3. For PE lessons, your clothes should be __________and comfortable. Pupils will have approximately 15 minutes to complete the test by writing the 20 missing words in the answer booklet.

8 Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic test Questions and answers You have 30 minutes to complete this test. Work as quickly and as carefully as you can. On average it is one 1 question per minute! Put your answer in the box for each question. 13. 4² = 16. 1,440 ÷ 12 =

9 Mathematics Papers 2 and 3: reasoning 2. A pack of paper has 150 sheets. 4 children each take 7 sheets. How many sheets of paper are left in the packet? 5. What is 444 minutes in hours and minutes? 11. Here is a number written in Roman numerals. C X V Write the number in figures.

10 How can you support your child? Ensure that your child goes to bed on time or even earlier! Provide them with a healthy breakfast. Bring them to breakfast club at 8:30 am every day during SATs week. Ensure that they have a drink and a healthy snack to bring to school. Keep calm and reassure them!

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