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Published byJordan Gilbert Modified over 8 years ago
2016 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements for KS1 The current national curriculum has been in place since Sep 2014. Yr 2 pupils (& yr6) will be the first to be assessed against this curriculum
SATs for year 2 are a combination of teacher assessment of the whole year’s learning alongside new tests for the new curriculum. Levels have gone. We are now working towards ARE ( age related expectations). Interim SATs 2016
TEACHER ASSESSMENT is the main focus for end of KS1 assessment and reporting. This year, teacher assessment must be reported using the standards set out in the interim teacher assessment framework. The tests only inform TEACHER ASSESSMENT. The aim of TA is to make a rounded judgement that Is based on knowledge of how the child has performed over time and across a range of contexts. Is based on a broad range of evidence from across the curriculum Takes into account strengths and weaknesses of a child’s performance Teacher Assessment in Yr2
Following the removal of NC levels and the raised expectations of the new curriculum, the interim TA frameworks support teachers in making robust and accurate judgements for Yr2 pupils at the end of KS1 TA judgements must be made for reading, writing, mathematics and science (no longer for speaking & listening) The framework sets out the standards a child must be assessed against using ‘the pupil can……’ statements. Unlike in previous years, THERE IS NO BEST FIT. To demonstrate that pupils have met a standard, they must demonstrate consistent attainment of all the statements within the standard. Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks
KS1 reading, writing and mathematics – teacher assessment is supported by test results The framework contains 3 standards; Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard With the additional category of Pupils that do not meet the ‘working towards’ standard KS1 science The framework contains 1 standard Working at the expected standard With the additional category of Pupils that do not meet the standard Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks
The frameworks are statutory. They should only be used to make a teacher assessment judgement at the end of keystage1. They should not be used to track progress throughout the key stage. They do not contain full coverage of the content of the National Curriculum, they only focus on key aspects for assessment. Hence they should not be used to guide classroom practice or define teaching content. Using the interim teacher assessment frameworks
The pupil can write a narrative about their own and others’ experiences (real and fictional), after discussion with the teacher: demarcating most sentences with capital letters and full stops and with some use of question marks and exclamation marks using sentences with different forms in their writing (statements, questions, exclamations and commands) using some expanded noun phrases to describe and specify using present and past tense mostly correctly and consistently using co-ordination (or / and / but) and some subordination (when / if / that / because) segmenting spoken words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling many correctly spelling many common exception words* spelling some words with contracted forms* adding suffixes to spell some words correctly in their writing e.g. –ment, –ness, –ful, –less, –ly* using the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters in some of their writing writing capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower case letters using spacing between words that reflects the size of the letters. Assessment of Writing Old tests are NOT to used
In year 2: What’s gone? Rounding two-digit numbers to the nearest 10 Halving/doubling no longer explicitly required Using lists/tables/diagrams to sort objects What’s been added? Solving problems with subtraction Finding/writing fractions of quantities (and lengths) Adding two 2-digit numbers Adding three 1-digit numbers Demonstrating commutativity of addition & multiplication Describing properties of shape (e.g. edges, vertices) Measuring temperature in °C Tell time to nearest 5 minutes Make comparisons using = symbols Recognise £ p symbols and solve simple money problems* Changes to maths curriculum
English reading Paper 1 – combined reading prompt and answer booklet Paper 2 – reading booklet & answer booklet English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 – spelling Paper 2 – questions Mathematics Paper 1- arithmetic Paper 2 - reasoning Writing – NO writing test & we must not use the old writing papers. New KS1 Tests
Early Administration of KS1 tests Some schools will be selected for early administration of one of the tests and asked to return scores early in April. The rests of the schools must submit data to West Berks by 29 th June. The tests are marked by us and these are the raw scores. These raw scales will be converted to a scaled score when conversion tables are published in early June (after the tests are taken). Test Administration – May 2016 (no set days)
Mixture of genres – unrelated texts which increase in level of difficulty. Greater emphasis on comprehension elements from the new curriculum 2 papers – both must be administered to all pupils Paper 1 – a selection of texts (400-700 words) interspersed with questions. Includes a list of useful words and practice questions. Paper 2 – separate booklets ( like the old level 3 test) – text (800 – 1100 words) and answer booklet. Not timed – children will be given ‘sufficient time’ to demonstrate what they understand and can do without prolonging the test inappropriately. KS1 English reading test
Weekly, purposeful guided reading Good questioning in literacy lessons, guided reading sessions and story time Oral & written comprehension Teaching pupils to look for evidence in the text How are we supporting your child towards this test?
Regular home reading – research shows this is the home learning that has most impact on your child’s education and progress Discussion of books – both stories they can read to you and those trickier books you read to your child (e.g. bedtime stories, ongoing novels etc) Comprehension questions – both factual information and inferred meaning e.g. How can we tell this is a traditional tale? Why do you think this character is a baddie? Does this non-fiction book have any captions? A glossary? How can you support your child towards this test?
Paper 1 - spelling 20 words within sentences read from a transcript (same as in previous SATs) HF words Phonics up to and including phase 6 Some prefixes and suffixes Plurals Paper 2 – questions focusing on pupil’s knowledge of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. Grammatical terms/word classes – verb, adverb, adjective, noun Functions of sentences – command, statement, question, exclamation Verb tenses Punctuation – CAPS. ? ! ’ (for contractions) Understanding of vocabulary G,S &P test
Paper 1 – arithmetic To assess pupils’ confidence and mathematical fluency with whole numbers, place value and counting Grid to support formal methods 1 mark questions, context free Paper 2 – reasoning To assess pupils’ mathematical fluency, problem solving and reasoning Includes a practice question and 5 aural questions Multiple choice, matching, true/false, yes/no Giving answers to calculations, completing charts and tables, drawing a shape, communicating their approach to problem solving Mathematics Test
Number & place value, calculation of 4 operations, fractions – 80-90% Measurement, geometry, statistics – 10-20% Paper 1 Arithmetic – 25 marks Paper 2 Mathematical Reasoning - 35 marks Balance of curriculum in test
Focus on fluency in the basics – regular practice of number bonds and X tables Regular practice of written calculations leading towards formal written methods ( this is where greatest increase in expectation is evident) Moving away from use of 100 squares, number lines towards mental fluency ( no equipment allowed in test) Asking reasoning questions verbally & in books Asking questions in different ways e.g. different layouts, missing number sums etc How are we supporting your child towards these tests?
Regular practice of X tables and number bonds Telling the time to 5 minute intervals, counting on in intervals of time e.g. half an hour from now Handling money – calculating totals and change Any games which support mental maths – Monopoly, Uno, Mathletics Active Learn website games How can you support your child?
As in previous years the 2016 test results will be used to inform our teacher assessment. Hence there will be some children who achieve the expected scale score in the test but are not judged as meeting the expected standard through the teacher assessment process and vice versa. The use of KS1 tests as part of the Teacher Assessment process
External moderation is statutory. It gives confidence that schools’ TA judgements are accurate and consistent with national standards. Whilst Enborne was moderated last year the local authority has decided to redistribute their scheduling of moderation of schools this year which means we may be moderated again this year. Details of the specific requirements and deadlines are not yet available. No prior warning will be given, we will be informed after submission of our data. Moderation
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