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DEFINITIONS Presented by Diana Flemer. KAHLIL GIBRAN (interview on BBC-TV, based on a very similar statement he overheard around 1955) Picture from Google.

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Presentation on theme: "DEFINITIONS Presented by Diana Flemer. KAHLIL GIBRAN (interview on BBC-TV, based on a very similar statement he overheard around 1955) Picture from Google."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEFINITIONS Presented by Diana Flemer

2 KAHLIL GIBRAN (interview on BBC-TV, based on a very similar statement he overheard around 1955) Picture from Google Images Quote from: t_graves.html t_graves.html “Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.” I will use this quote in my book because Gibran uses all components that are part of the process when I try to model my assignments. There is joy when I have a good idea, pain when I don’t, and wonder when I feel successful; and always the presence of the dictionary for ideas are grounded in the meanings of the words that I use.

3 ROBERT GRAVES (interview on BBC-TV, based on a very similar statement he overheard around 1955) Picture from Google Images Quote from: t_graves.html t_graves.html “There's no money in poetry, but then there's no poetry in money, either.”

4 ROBERT FROST (interview on BBC-TV, based on a very similar statement he overheard around 1955) Picture from Google Images Quote from: t_graves.html t_graves.html “Poetry is what gets lost in translation.”

5 MARIANNE MOORE ( her definition of poetry, "Poetry," Collected Poems, 1951) Picture from Google Images “Imaginary gardens with real toads in them.”

6 ELI KHAMAROV (from The Shadow Zone ) Picture from Google Images “Poets are soldiers that liberate words from the steadfast possession of definition.”

7 CARL SANDBURG “Poetry is the journal of the sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in the air. Poetry is a search for syllables to shoot at the barriers of the unknown and the unknowable. Poetry is a phantom script telling how rainbows are made and why they go away.” Picture from: Google Images (in Poetry Considered)

8 PERCY SHELLEY ( in A Defence of Poetry, 1821) Picture from Google Images “Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted.”

9 PLATO (from Ion ) Picture from Google Images “Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.”

10 W.B. YEATS (from The Shadow Zone ) Picture from Google Images “Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry. ”

11 DIANA FLEMER “A poet sits high in an ancient tree to hear its heartbeat or lies down on a primordial rock to feel the earth move.” Taken by G. Peters Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington 2008 Written in June 2010

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