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Ian Jelley Deputy Chief Executive Fair Train Fair recruitment via work experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Ian Jelley Deputy Chief Executive Fair Train Fair recruitment via work experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ian Jelley Deputy Chief Executive Fair Train Fair recruitment via work experience

2 What is Fair Train?  A national charity  Owner of the national Work Experience Quality Standard accreditation  Group Training Association for the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS)  Supporter of employers, learning providers and young people across the UK  Coordinator of national Work Experience Week

3 What is Work Experience? Fair Train defines Work Experience as everything from a work placement, through to internships, traineeships and apprenticeships Plus volunteering (where the aim of the role is to secure career progression)

4 Open minded recruitment  Creates more opportunities for people to access employment in comparison to traditional recruitment methods  Multiple entry points diversifies the workforce  Provides opportunities for existing staff development through mentoring

5 Benefits of a talent pipeline  Synergy improves the line of sight for learners  Reduces the silo mentality  Improves retention rates  Learners hit the ground running, increasing productivity

6 Creating a talent pipeline Senior leaders Managers Junior staff Apprentices Trainees / Work experience

7 A business development perspective  Identifying areas for growth  Identifying ageing workforce areas  Identifying skills gaps  Creating workforce development routes to feed in to those

8 How do you manage recruitment via work experience?  Appropriate planning  Understanding that it is an investment and not a cost  Recognising the development need of participants  Providing the resources and support to make it successful

9 Work Experience Quality Standard  Nationally accredited frameworks  For employers and learning providers  Public recognition  Demonstration of quality  Free ongoing advice and guidance

10 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Step 1: Planning & preparation  Working in partnership  Aims and objectives  Gaining support

11 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Securing employment skills How to dress Job search techniques CV writing Writing covering letters Interview skills Telephone techniques

12 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Sustaining employment skills Communication skills PlanningResilience Self confidence Team working Time keeping Behaviour in the workplace

13 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Step 2: Induction  Matching aspirations  Managing expectations  Goals and objectives  Standards and support

14 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Step 3: Ongoing support  Review and feedback  Assigning a mentor  Peer support

15 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Step 4: Making the experience meaningful  Planning a project  Careers information and advice  Building on skills

16 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Step 5: Motivation and recognition  Freedom within a framework  Progression within the role  Measurable outcomes

17 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Step 6: Making the placement work for the employer  PR  Corporate Social Responsibility  Your business from a fresh perspective

18 7 steps to develop a high quality work experience programme Step 7: The end of the placement…what next?  Progression routes  Exit interview  Reference

19 Contact us Web Twitter @FairTrainOrg LinkedIn Company/fair-train LinkedIn Group Work Experience UK Email Phone 0753 995 0663

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