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Presentation on theme: "ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN ‘FLUID’ SESSION Wed 9 Maart2016 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'1 Alliance 2016 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN ‘FLUID’ SESSION 35809 Wed 9 Maart2016 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'1 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

2 PRESENTERS Hans Janssen Product Manager SaNS Expertise Centre Background in study advising, functional maintenance and information management. Since 2008 working for SaNS as Product Manager and Solutions Architect. Wouter de Bruin Senior Consultant CY2 Working with Campus Solutions since 2001, working at Leiden University since 2013 and presenting on behalf of Leiden + technical colleague. ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'2 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

3 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'3 -Dutch roots, EMEA footprint, World outlook. -Founded in 2006. -Dedicated to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. -9 Employees, 5 associates and growing. -Over 200 projects in over 11 countries.

4 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'4 1 PAST Online Application with an external front-end 4 Use of AAWS, Fluid and Branding 5 FUTURE Different scenario’s for front-end solutions 2 Drawback of an external front-end 3 PRESENT Combining standard Campus Solutions Components Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

5 SaNS SaNS EXPERTISECENTRUM Universiteit Leiden Universiteit van Amsterdam Hogeschool van Amsterdam Located in Utrecht ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'5 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

6 WHAT IS SaNS? SaNS: ‘Collaboration for a New SIS’ 3 Universities in the Netherlands:  University of Amsterdam (Research University)  Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Univ. of Applied Research)  University of Leiden (Research University) 100.000 students 10.000 faculty users 1000 administrative users ‘Vanilla CampusHO’ Joint maintenance and development (Expertise Center) ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'6 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

7 EXPERTISE CENTER Joint effort of the SaNS-Universities Responsible for  Hosting of the Infrastructure & Technical Maintenance  Application Maintenance  Application Development and Customization  Servicedesk, support, testing, set up Delivers ‘Campus HO’ as a SaaS-Solution 12 FTE employees  Support (3), development (2), technical (2) and functional (3) Hosting and technical maintenance outsourced to MCX ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'7 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

8 SaNS SITUATION ON ORACLE PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9  Bundle #37  Modules in use:  Campus Community  Student Records  Academic Advisement  (Recruitment and) Admission  (Student Finance)  Student Self Service Heavily customized application (NL Higher Ed): ‘CampusHO’ PeopleTools 8.54.13 Infrastructure and Database:  Oracle 11g  35 CS-environments (5 per SaNS-institution, 10 for EC, 5-10 POC)  50 Physical servers, no VM ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'8 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

9 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'9 1 PAST Online Application with an external front-end 4 Use of AAWS, Fluid and Branding 5 FUTURE Different scenario’s for front-end solutions 2 Drawback of external front-end 3 PRESENT Combining standard Campus Solutions Components Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

10 PAST: ONLINE APPLICATION WITH AN EXTERNAL FRONT-END 2014-2016/2017 Application form for non-regular students with AAWS and NUR

11 ADMISSION IN THE NETHERLANDS All regular students use ‘Studielink’  National admission application center  Message-based import of all applications in Campus Solutions Non-Regular Students (till 2013):  Every departments has it’s own online forms or pdf-’fill-in’-document  Manual insert of name and application information in Excel  Export to files  Import in CS, with custom functionality or FileParser Non-Regular Students (from 2014):  Use of AAWS and an external front-end ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'11 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

12 COMPONENTS USED Components Delivered bij Oracle:  AAWS (Application Admission Webservices; Bundle #18, July 2010)  NUR (New User registration; Bundle #27, Oct 2012)  CTM (Constituent Transaction Management)  QAS (Query Acces Services (aka Reporting Webservices); PeopleTools 8.50) Front-end developed outside CS  Developed by external website development company  With maintenance module Middle Layer Solution  inQdo Connect  Conversion of messages  Staging in heavy load situations ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'12 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

13 AAWS (AND NUR, QAS AND CTM) AAWS (Admissions Applications Web Services)  Developed by Oracle to support admissions applications for ‘not yet known users’  Combination of webservices, application packages, staging tables and search/match  Intended to be used with an external, custom made, front-end  Uses Entity Registry Framework NUR (New User Registration)  The webservices used within AAWS for identification, creating a new account and reset passwords QAS (Query Access Webservices)  Used to query the database and receive the resulting data through webservices CTM (Constituent Transaction Framework)  The Framework delivered by Oracle to handle new ‘constituents’ in ‘staging tables’  Applications are one kind of the transactions-part  Constituents and applications are inspected (automatically or manually) before posting to the transaction tables ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'13 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016



16 CUMBERSOME MAINTENANCE More development partners Business logic in many places Expensive adaption of the front-end Complex Chain: ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'16 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

17 WHY NOT A CS BASED SOLUTION? SOLA (Sample Online Applications) was available! Look & Feel is not wat we wanted No confidence in CS functionality ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'17 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

18 PRESENT: ADMISSION APPLICATIONS IN CS WITH FLUID AND BRANDING Building Proof of Concept for Leiden University’s online application forms with AAWS.

19 ADDING SOLA, FLUID & BRANDING Different approach: Adding standard CS functionality for better look & feel on all devices We were already familiar with:  AAWS: the webservices and functionality to handle applications  NUR: webservice for registering as a new user  QAS: webservice to collect all the data you need from Campus Solutions Adding SOLA: Oracle's demo module  Most of the functionality needed, build by Oracle Adding Fluid: making CS-pages look better, on all devices  Convert the SOLA-pages to Fluid, so you can use them on any device Adding Branding: customize the look and feel, in different flavours  Functionality to change the look & feel in the taste you need or want ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'19 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

20 DEMO Live demonstration Online Application on desktop and mobile device ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'20 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

21 DEMO: LOGIN ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'21 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

22 DEMO: PAGE ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'22 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

23 DEMO: PAGE 2 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'23 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

24 OUR APPROACH How we implemented the Online Application in Fluid 1 2 3 4 Create Menu navigation 5 Use Corporate Branding ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'24 Convert SOLA classic pages to Fluid LEARN Fluid Configure AAWS/NUR/QAS and CTM Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

25 CONFIGURE AAWS, NUR, QAS AND CTM Configure webservices for AAWS, NUR and QAS  Configure and activate predefined AAWS and NUR webservices for user registration and admission  Configure and activate QAS webservices AAWS  Setup on-line transaction to be used with options and search/match criteria  Configure application (careers, programs, plans) Configure NUR  Define new user context and redirect to target (admission) page Oracle AAWS User Guide / Developer Guide ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'25 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

26 WHAT IS FLUID? (DO WE NEED TO EXPLAIN IT AFTER 2 DAYS ABOUT FLUID?) What brings Fluid?  Makes pages responsive and working on any form factor  Brings a completely different navigation paradigm  Will be used to bring new selfservice pages  Those pages will have a much better look and feel  Uses CSS, javascript, jQuery  Use of ‘branding’ will be much easier What did we use?  Make existing pages (SOLA) ‘fluid’ so they become responsive and better looking  Branding ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'26 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

27 WHY ORACLE FLUID? (INSTEAD OF THE EXTERNAL SOLUTION)  RESPONSIVE DESIGN pages will resize dynamically to fit screen device.  PEOPLESOFT Same maintenance and security as classic pages. Peoplecode!  BRANDING Easy maintenance of custom styles and images.  EMBRACING STANDARD TECHNOLOGIES CSS 3.0, jQuery, HTML 5  PERFORMANCE Faster than an external website, since AAWS is used internally. ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'27 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

28 LEARN FLUID Oracle documentation Fluid E-books VM images HRMS 9.2 VM image CS 9.2 (001, 29 march 2016) Spotlight series video’s ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'28 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

29 CONVERT SOLA-PAGES TO FLUID Classic SOLA pageFluid subpage Save classic page as a fluid subpage with new name Remove / update / redesign objects that are not supported in fluid Add groupboxes for styling and fine adjust layout using CSS Oracle: Converting Classic PIA Components to PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'29 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

30 CREATE NEW FLUID PAGES Create new fluid page from template (2 panel lay-out) and add subpage(s) ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'30 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

31 CREATE MENU NAVIGATION ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'31 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016 Menu names Menu order based on page rank 2 nd navigation is enabled based on position in menu

32 BRANDING - 1 Overruling standard style sheet elements Oracle’s CSS Guide for PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'32

33 BRANDING - 2 Oracle’s CSS Guide for PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'33

34 BRANDING - 3 one click branding Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'34

35 BRANDING - 4 ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'35 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

36 KNOWLEDGE AND EFFORT Knowledge needed  Peoplecode  Know and understand how to make components responsive  Detailed knowledge of CSS3 styles Time and effort spent on this project for each role:  Fluid Expert:15 days (knowledge transfer and development)  PeopleSoft Developer:15 days (mainly development)  Webexpert:5 days (design and branding) ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'36 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

37 FUTURE: PORTAL FOR EACH USER GROUP WITH CS CONTENT Using Fluid & Branding to deliver portal functionality & content

38 CHALLENGE: PORTAL FOR USER GROUPS We need portals for our users:  Combination of data and functionality from multiple systems  A specific version for each user group (students, teachers, advisors, managers) Different ‘portal’ techniques and combinations  Stand alone portal application  Has it’s own process logic and interaction pages  Synchronization of data with back-end systems as CS or an ELO  Portal application that uses pages and functionality of source systems  Pages from the source are shown as deep-links or pagelets  Combining data can result in new functionality  Use an existing application as portal to other sources  Campus Solutions can be such an application ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'38 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016


40 WRAP UP And Questions

41 FROM PAST TO FUTURE Past: AAWS  Data and Functionality is used outside CS Present: Fluid & Branding  Modern user interface in CS makes it possible to build a CS-only solution Future: configurable look & feel for integration  CS can deliver data and functionality with customizable look & feel ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'41 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

42 PRESENTERS Hans Janssen Product manager SaNS Expertisecentrum Wouter de Bruin Senior Consultant CY2 ALL ALLIANCE PRESENTATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD FROM THE CONFERENCE SITE ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'42 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016

43 THANK YOU! ONLINE APPLICATIONS IN 'FLUID'43 Alliance 2016 – 09-03-2016 Questions?


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