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The Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Requirement The Undergraduate HASS Requirement Freshman Advisor Orientation August 29, 2016 Michael Cuthbert.

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1 The Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Requirement The Undergraduate HASS Requirement Freshman Advisor Orientation August 29, 2016 Michael Cuthbert Associate Professor of Music

2 The HASS Requirement provides students with a broad understanding of human society, its traditions, and its institutions deepens students’ knowledge in a variety of cultural and disciplinary areas encourages the development of sensibilities and skills vital to an effective and satisfying life as an individual, a professional, and a member of society The Undergraduate HASS Requirement

3 The HASS Requirement = 8 classes over 4 years 3 subject Distribution Component (breadth) 3-4 subject Concentration Component (depth) 1-2 HASS Electives (experimentation) The Undergraduate HASS Requirement

4 HASS Distribution Component 3 subjects, 1 from each category: Humanities (HASS-H) Interpret human achievements, problems, and historical changes through close analysis of texts and ideas. Arts (HASS-A) Create representations through skilled craft and practice focusing on expressive and aesthetic techniques. Social Sciences (HASS-S) Engage in theory-driven and empirical exploration and analysis to seek generalizable interpretations of human interaction.

5 The Undergraduate HASS Requirement HASS Concentration Component 3-4 subjects, depending on the HASS field HASS Concentration fields include: African & African Diaspora StudiesEthicsPhilosophy American StudiesGlobal Studies & LanguagesPolitical Science Ancient & Medieval StudiesHistoryReligious Studies AnthropologyHistory of Architecture, Art & Design Russian & Eurasian Studies Archaeology & Archaeological Science Latin American & Latino StudiesScience, Technology, & Society Art, Culture & TechnologyLegal StudiesTheater Arts Asian & Asian Diaspora StudiesLinguisticsUrban Studies Comparative Media StudiesLiteratureWomen’s & Gender Studies Development EconomicsMiddle Eastern StudiesWriting EconomicsMusic

6 *A one subject overlap between the distribution and the concentration components is allowed. The Undergraduate HASS Requirement HASS Requirement 8 subjects Arts HASS Distribution 3 subjects, one from each category Humanities HASS Social Sciences Concentration 3-4 subjects* Concentration 3-4 subjects* Electives 1-2 subjects Electives 1-2 subjects

7 Identifying HASS subjects in the online subject listing: The Undergraduate HASS Requirement Look for the little blue book symbol following the subject number and title. Humanities Arts Social Sciences Elective Additionally, the CI-H/HW status (also counts toward the Communication Requirement) will follow the HASS symbol.

8 Keep in mind: The HASS Requirement overlaps with the Communication Requirement. All students must take two HASS subjects that are designated as CI-H or CI-HW. The first CI subject must be completed in the freshman year. HASS Exploration (HEX) subjects are recommended to students as one pathway into the HASS Requirement. These subjects are team-taught by faculty and provide opportunities for faculty- student interaction. More information can be found at: Most HASS subjects provide a welcome complement to problem-set-oriented Science Core subjects. The Undergraduate HASS Requirement

9 HASS Exploration (HEX) Subjects, Fall 2016 21H.009 The World 1400-Present 21L.009 Shakespeare (Global Shakespeares) 21L.010J/21W.042J Writing with Shakespeare (Global Shakespeares) 21L.020J Globalization: The Good, the Bad, and the In-Between HASS Exploration (HEX) Subjects, Spring 2017 17.53 The Rise of Asia 21L.017 The Art of the Probable 24.912J Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies The Undergraduate HASS Requirement

10 Ways to get more information: Office of the HASS Requirement, 5-133 Patty Fernandes Assistant Dean, Communication and HASS Requirements or 617-253-2313 HASS Requirement website: The Undergraduate HASS Requirement

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