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DRAFT Open House Annual Title I Meeting Oak Park Middle School September 12, :30 p.m. We are on our way to an “A” – 558!

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Presentation on theme: "DRAFT Open House Annual Title I Meeting Oak Park Middle School September 12, :30 p.m. We are on our way to an “A” – 558!"— Presentation transcript:

1 DRAFT Open House Annual Title I Meeting Oak Park Middle School September 12, 2016 6:30 p.m. We are on our way to an “A” – 558!

2 DRAFT Agenda I. Introduction of Administration and Leadership II. Title I Overview III. School Improvement Plan Goals IV. Data Snapshot V. Florida Standards and the School Curriculum VI. College and Career Readiness VII. Usage of Title I Funds VIII. School Compact IX. Parent Involvement Requirements X. Conclusion and Feedback XI. Open House (Move to KU)

3 DRAFT Administration and Leadership Administration Barbara A. Longo – Principal Dr. Charles Williams Jr. – Assistant Principal Diane Reid-Goolsby – Assistant Principal Leadership Team George Shannon II – Potential Specialist Anthony V. Mack – Accelerated Resource Teacher Dave Harris – Instructional Dean Jami Barnes – Literacy Coach Dr. Nina Willis-Frye – Math/ Science Coach Aliyah Killion – ESE School Specialist Jose Ramirez and Dawn Burns – Guidance Counselors Melonee Ferguson – Florida Standards Teacher

4 DRAFT Title I Overview What is it? Title I is a federal assistance program for low-income schools that have a high percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch. These schools receive additional funding to ensure high-quality education is provided to all students with added resources and personnel. How does it work? School district identifies schools that are eligible for Title I based on percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch and disburses those funds to the schools. The federal government provides the funding that is sent to the states for Title I, which is then sent to the school districts.

5 DRAFT Oak Park MS School Improvement Goals (SIP) Goal 1 Oak Park Middle School will increase student achievement when teachers, instructional staff, and administration understand, plan, and implement standards based instruction to the full intent of the standard in all content areas. Goal 2 Oak Park Middle School will increase student attendance and positive student behaviors through providing a safe and supportive environment for all students. Goal 3 Oak Park Middle School will increase student achievement by implementing and monitoring a system to analyze and examine student products to increase student mastery of standards in all content areas.

6 DRAFT Data Snapshot 2015-2016

7 DRAFT Data Snapshot 2015-2016

8 DRAFT Data Snapshot 2016-2017

9 DRAFT Data Snapshot 2016-2017

10 DRAFT Data Snapshot 2016-2017

11 DRAFT Data Snapshot 2016-2017

12 DRAFT Data Snapshot 2016-2017

13 DRAFT Parent’s Rights Request meetings with teachers/Administration to discuss concerns. Be provided detailed test results of your child. Receive information in regards to your child’s teacher’s qualifications and if they are being taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for more that 4 consecutive weeks.

14 “A set of clear, consistent and strong academic standards that will help ensure Florida’s students graduate high school ready for success in college, career and life.” WHAT ARE THE FLORIDA STANDARDS?

15 DRAFT School’s Curriculum Florida Standards form the framework of everything taught at school. Curriculum (standards-based instruction and cross curriculum teaching occurs daily): English Language Arts Reading Mathematics Science Social Studies Electives

16 The Florida Standards will… Prepare students to succeed in college, the workforce and life. Ensure that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity or zip code is held to the same high standards and learns the same material. Provide educators with a clear, focused roadmap for what to teach in each grade level.

17 College and Career Readiness The Florida Standards will get students ready for success in college, the workforce and life. But what does that mean?

18 College Readiness College readiness means that graduates have the skills they need to do well in college. “College” doesn’t mean a four-year degree. It can mean any program that leads to a degree or certificate. Being “ready” means that students graduate from high schools with strong skills in English and mathematics.

19 Career Readiness Career readiness means that high school graduates are qualified for and able to do well in long-term careers. “Career” doesn’t just mean a job. It means a profession that allows graduates to succeed at a job they enjoy and earn a competitive wage.

20 Parent & family support can help students succeed… By staying involved, informed and engaged, parents can help students be successful. There are many ways to help: Read with your children; Review and discuss their homework; Communicate with their teachers; Attend public meetings to learn more; Learn about the standards and how they affect your child’s education and school; and Look through your child’s backpack each afternoon.

21 Resources Available at Your Fingertips –Department of Education’s official website – Florida Standards student tutorials – Family reading activities – Literacy resources – Florida Standards resources, parent guides and the “We Can Do This, Florida!” video series Skyward Family Access – – Math Resource

22 DRAFT Test Dates Lake Standards Assessment Baseline and Midyear: Math, English Language Arts (6-8), Civics (7 th grade only), & Science (8 th grade only): Aug. 22 - Sept. 9 th & Jan. 4th - 20 th. FAIR Test: Aug. 10 th - Nov. 3 rd, Nov. 4 th – Feb. 17 th, and Feb. 21 th – May 24 th. PSAT (8 th and 9 th grade): Oct. 19 th. Florida Standards Assessments: English Language Arts & Math, (Writing and Reading Sessions): (6-7) ELA, Writing Session) Feb 27 th Make-ups: Feb 28 th - Mar. 3; 8 th Grade ELA: Feb. 27 th - March 10 th and April 10 th - May 5 th. FCAT 2.0 Science: 8 th grade – May 1 st - 5th. Civics EOC (7 th grade): April 17 th - May 19 th. Algebra EOC (8 th grade): April 17 th - May 16 th. For more info visit 0Grade.pdf 0Grade.pdf

23 DRAFT Usage of Title I Funds $195,203 Potential Specialist Accelerated Resource Teacher Literacy Coach Family School Liaison MTSS Coach Literacy Teacher Assistant (3) Title I Teaching Assistants Tutoring Tutoring Transportation Professional Development Writing Teams Copy Center Classroom/Instructional Supplies Parent Meetings/Trainings

24 DRAFT Usage of Title I Funds School Advisory Council (SAC) composed of parents, teachers, other staff that works at the school, the Principal and students (at Middle and High School), determine how funds are used. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is another group that meets monthly and provides input that guides school- related decisions.

25 DRAFT School-Parent-Student Compact (Agreement) School-parent-student compact (agreement) will outline the following items: Dates for Progress Reports and Report Cards. Accessing Skyward for attendance and grades. Communicating with the teacher and/or school. Expectations of parent(s)/guardian(s) and students

26 DRAFT Parent Involvement Policy Requirements SAC/PTO Meetings: Every 3 rd Monday monthly at 5:30 pm in the Media Ctr. (SAC contact: Dr. Williams; PTO Contact: Mrs. Reid- Goolsby) Annual Title I meeting Flexible scheduling of meetings/events Communication via various methods (callout, newsletter, flyer, website, etc.) Parental academic enrichment: Title I events, conferences, 6 th grade camp, etc.

27 DRAFT Access to the Parent Involvement Plan Visit our website: Click on “Parents” Click on “Resources” Click on “Parent Involvement Plan 16-17”

28 DRAFT Conclusion and Feedback THANK YOU for attending the Title I meeting. We encourage you to stay for Open House and AVID Night (Visit Mr. Chavis in AVID portable). Pick up your child’s Progress Report, Test Score reports, and visit the booths in the hallway. Please take a moment to fill out the feedback slips that are on your table and leave them there once complete. Remember to sign-in if you have not done so upon arrival.

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