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Unit 5 Do You Want to Watch a Game Show?. Give the name of the show.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Do You Want to Watch a Game Show?. Give the name of the show."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Do You Want to Watch a Game Show?

2 Give the name of the show.

3 Has a lot of fighting:

4 Has family and friends problems or love stories:

5 Has funny stories about friends or family:

6 It’s serious and important:

7 Has colorful animals or Superheroes:

8 Has a game to win money:

9 Has talented people:

10 It’s a funny movie:

11 It’s a scary movie:

12 It’s an educational movie about something:

13 It’s a sport of 5 players vs. 5 players

14 It’s a sport of kicking the ball:

15 It’s a sport of a small white ball and a table:

16 sitcom, comedy, thriller, educational, famous, hope meaningless, successful, expect, rich

17 The answer is 23179 2 = sitcom & expect 3 = famous, hope, successful 1 = educational 7 = thriller & rich 9 = comedy & meaningless

18 The answer is 23179


20 c..t..n

21 .ct.r

22 f.nt.s.i.

23 .n..y..le

24 s..r.

25 n..s

26 .al..t

27 c.n..a

28 …p.n

29 t…k



32 o..r

33 N..em..r

34 ..n.

35 .b..t

36 r…x..g

37 .h.w

38 c.m..y

39 th.i…r

40 cartoon / actor / fantastic enjoyable / scary / news talent / cinema / happen think / meaningless / successful / over / November want / about / relaxing show / comedy / thriller

41 Jingle Bells Comedy, soap opera, educational. Meaningless, cartoon, sitcom or news. Hey! Cinema, theater, thriller or action, enjoyable movies or TV shows.

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