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Planning & Community Development Department Rose Bowl Aquatic Center Master Plan 360 North Arroyo Boulevard Predevelopment Plan Review PPR City.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning & Community Development Department Rose Bowl Aquatic Center Master Plan 360 North Arroyo Boulevard Predevelopment Plan Review PPR City."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning & Community Development Department Rose Bowl Aquatic Center Master Plan 360 North Arroyo Boulevard Predevelopment Plan Review PPR2015-00019 City Council Meeting September 26, 2016

2 Planning & Community Development Department Vicinity Map 2 Project Site Glendale

3 Planning & Community Development Department Background 3 1988 – Original agreement established for RBAC to operate the aquatic center once constructed (CUP1881) 2008 – Current Agreement approved, superseded original (expires in 2022) 2015 – PPR application submitted for a Master Plan Several CUPs approved for alterations over the years

4 Planning & Community Development Department City-Owned Components Unlike a typical Master Plan where an institutional property owner is planning the use of its own land and facility, the applicant is a non-profit organization operating a City-owned facility on City-owned land. City staff has no recommendation on the feasibility of the RBAC’s independent proposal and has not commenced technical evaluation of the proposal nor negotiation of terms and conditions of any new or revised agreements in advance of this PPR. 4

5 Planning & Community Development Department Project Description 5 DemolitionNew Construction Therapy pool 1,560 SF gym 2,227 SF storage/mechanical equipment structure 3,462 SF recreational pool 3,462 SF instruction pool 3,462 SF therapy pool 9,240 SF Wellness Center 8,970 SF Fitness and Community Center 1,700 SF Café Building 3,735 SF on deck storage and seating area Renovation Pool decking Entry plaza with new seating area and landscaping

6 Planning & Community Development Department Existing Site 6 Existing gym to be demolished Existing therapy pool to be demolished Reese’s Retreat Brookside Park N. Arroyo Blvd.

7 Planning & Community Development Department Proposed Development 7 Reese’s Retreat Brookside Park Entry Canopy Baseball Field Tennis Courts Grove Plaza Cafe Restrooms Fitness Center Dive Pool On Deck Seating Dive Tower Competition Pool Equipment Building Viewing Deck Recreation Pool Instruction Pool Therapy Pool Wellness Center N. Arroyo Blvd.

8 Planning & Community Development Department Proposed Site Plan 8 Locust Street Existing Renovated New Parking Lot Tennis Courts Second Story New Observation Decks

9 Planning & Community Development Department Renovated Plaza Program 9

10 Planning & Community Development Department Phasing Program Phase ES (Early Start): Smaller projects RBAC intends to complete before major construction begins Phase 1: Construction of wellness center, therapy pool, pool storage Phase 2: Construction of lesson and recreation pools and pool storage Phase 3: Repair of competition pool and construction of pool storage Phase 4: Repair of dive pool and construction of pool storage Phase 5: Construction of gym Phase 6: Renovation of café, seating, and entry plaza Phase 7: Construction of community room 10

11 Planning & Community Development Department Overview of Departmental Comments Zoning: Zoning and General Plan designation is “Open Space”. Daycare use is not permitted and shall be removed from proposal Parking: 147 parking spaces would be required. The existing Agreement provides for 200 non-exclusive spaces in Brookside Park Lot I Traffic: Traffic analysis will be required Access and Public Facilities: Access to other public facilities should be considered 11

12 Planning & Community Development Department Overview of Departmental Comments Trees: All trees protected, any pruning or removal requires UFAC approval Berm Removal: City will need to consider how this would impact noise and open space Health Permit: Plan check by Health Dept. for public pools and café required 12

13 Planning & Community Development Department Overview of Departmental Comments Operating and License Agreement: Terms of the existing Agreement would need to be renegotiated to address a number of issues including, but not limited to:  definition of the lease area;  ongoing maintenance;  scholarship assistance;  duration of the agreement; and  RBAC’s demonstration of financing, construction and operational plans, and compliance with the City’s bidding policies 13

14 Planning & Community Development Department Overview of Departmental Comments Historic Preservation:  Historic Preservation Commission design review is required as the facility is located in the Pasadena Arroyo Parks & Recreation Historic District  Historic Preservation Commission will provide advisory design comments to the decision making body on the project's consistency with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation 14

15 Planning & Community Development Department Overview of Departmental Comments Design Review:  Design Commission will conduct a preliminary consultation and an advisory review on the Master Plan  Staff will conduct concept and final design review on the individual phases of construction as each phase is less than the threshold for Design Commission review 15

16 Planning & Community Development Department Approval Process 16 City Council – Decision Planning Commission – Recommendation Neighborhood Meeting #2 – Optional Design Commission – Advisory Review on MP Neighborhood Meeting #1 – Optional Project Deemed Complete MP Application Submittal/Review Design Commission – Preliminary Consultation on Design Predevelopment Plan Review

17 Planning & Community Development Department Environmental Document An Initial Study will likely be required to determine whether a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, or an Environmental Impact Report would be required for the project in compliance with CEQA. Additional environmental studies (e.g. air quality, traffic, noise, greenhouse gas emissions) may also be required. 17

18 Planning & Community Development Department Rose Bowl Aquatic Center Master Plan 360 North Arroyo Boulevard Predevelopment Plan Review PPR2015-00019 City Council Meeting September 26, 2016

19 Planning & Community Development Department 2008 City Investment in Facility In a settlement, the City accepted $112,000 from a $256,169 unpaid balance of outstanding RBAC utility obligations from 1996 to 2002, with approval of the present Agreement City agreed to continue to pay debt service on the 1989 Certificate of Participation for construction of the facility which had an average net amount of $420,000 annually 19

20 Planning & Community Development Department Current Annual City Funds to RBAC $11,500 = landscaping  City crews provide additional assistance $41,000 = routine building maintenance $150,000 = utilities  Would increase to $180,000 in 2019 $202,500 total in annual City funds to support the aquatics facility  Would increase to $232,500 in 2019 20

21 Planning & Community Development Department Past Approvals CUP1881: RBAC reconstructed and renovated the aquatic center in 1988 PLN2000-00172: Demolish children's pool and construct therapy pool PLN2001-00149: CUP for canopy over pool PLN2011-00014: CUP for snack bar and restroom expansion No. 13,324: Original 1987 Agreement No. 19,521: Existing 2008 Agreement 21

22 Planning & Community Development Department Pool Program 22

23 Planning & Community Development Department Phasing Program 23

24 Planning & Community Development Department Zoning and Land Use 24 Zoning = Open SpaceLand Use = Open Space

25 Planning & Community Development Department 2012 Needs Assessment Report 25

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