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How does social networking affect college student’s academic performance?

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1 How does social networking affect college student’s academic performance?

2 University of Illinois in Chicago conducted a study that used a sample of 1,000 university graduates Chicago concluded that they were unable to find any correlation between Facebook use and grade point averages Previous Research on Social Networking and College Students’ Academic Performance

3 University of Ohio conducted a study where 219 students were surveyed. –102 undergraduates and 117 graduates have Facebook accounts. –Younger full time students with majors such as statistics, technology, math, engineering and medicine –Users had G.P.A. between a 3.0-3.5 while non-users G.P.A. between 3.5- 4.0 –Users spend 1-5 hrs a week studying compared to the 11-15 non-Facebook users devote to studying –79% of students do not believe they use Facebook frequently enough to interfere with their grades. Previous Research on Statistics of Social Networking and College Students’ Academic Performance

4 Social Networks and Academic Performance Laura Wilson discusses “Facebook Fixation Harms Students Grades” –Computer can be a very useful study aid, however it can be very easy to lose valuable study time browsing social networking sites Quickly checking your messages before starting an assignment, only to find yourself 3 hours later viewing photos of an old childhood friend

5 Problem Definition Purpose: Social Networking has become a common a part of college students’ daily lives. However perusing social networking sites can easily become a distraction that can occupy someone for hours without them realizing it. We would like to learn how social networking affects college student’s academic performance.

6 Research Questions Research Question 1: Which social networks are used most by college students? Research Question 2: Why do college students use social networking sites? Research Question 3: What are the disadvantages of using social networking as a college student? Research Question 4: How does social networking impact college student’s academic performance? Research Question 5: What’s the correlation between the amount of time spent on social networking sites and a college students G.P.A.?

7 Data Collection 44 out of the 48 submitted questionnaires were completed Marketing or Management major Classification –60.5% were seniors –20.9% were juniors –11.6% were sophomores –7% were freshmen Gender –23.3% males –76.7% females

8 Data Analysis Results 1. What social networks are used by most college students?

9 Data Analysis Results 2. What are the advantages of using social networking as a college student? * The marital status of students did not have an effect on the reasons they used social networking.

10 Data Analysis Results 3.What are the disadvantages of using social networking as a college student? Hours spent on social networking site vs. hours spent studying * No relationship between hours spent on a social networking site verses hours spent studying How many hours a day do you spend studying?Total 0 Less than 1 1 to 3 hours 4 to 6 hours 10-13 hours0 How many hours a day do you spend on a social networking site? 0 012104 Less than 1 hour 0380011 1 hour to 3 hours 111124129 7 to 9 hours 000101 Total 115226145

11 Data Analysis Results 4. How does social networking impact college student’s academic performance

12 Data Analysis Results 4. How does social networking impact college student’s academic performance Hours spent on social networking site vs. hours spent studying How many hours a day do you spend studying?Total 0 Less than 1 1 to 3 hours 4 to 6 hours 10-13 hours 0 How many hours a day do you spend on a social networking site? 0012104 Less than 1 hour 0380011 1 hour to 3 hours 111124129 7 to 9 hours 000101 Total115226145 Valuedf Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 11.441(a)12.492 Likelihood Ratio 10.82112.544 Linear-by-Linear Association.2151.643 N of Valid Cases 45 * No relationship between hours spent online and hours spent studying

13 Data Analysis Results 4. How does social networking impact college student’s academic performance

14 Data Analysis Results 4. How does social networking impact college student’s academic performance Gender and the perceived impact of social networking sites Does social networking have an impact on your study habits, if so what kinds of impact does it have... Positive Negativ e No ImpactTotal GenderMale 03710 Female 3111933 Total 3142643 Valuedf Asymp. Sig. (2- sided) Pearson Chi- Square 1.131(a)2.568 Likelihood Ratio 1.8042.406 Linear-by-Linear Association.8941.345 N of Valid Cases 43 * There is no statistical difference between males and females and how they feel social networking impacts their academic performance

15 Data Analysis Results 5. What’s the correlation between the amount of time spent on social networking sites and a college students G.P.A.? Hours spent on sites vs. G.P.A How many hours a day do you spend on a social networking site? 0 Less than 1 hour 1 hour to 3 hours 7 to 9 hoursTotal GPA3.5-4.0 11608 3.0-3.49 2611019 2.5-2.99 137112 2.0-2.49 01506 Total 41129145 ValueDf Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 5.141(a)9.822 Likelihood Ratio 5.6119.778 Linear-by-Linear Association.7641.382 N of Valid Cases 45 * After analyzing our data we found no correlation between the amount of time spent on social networking sites and G.P.A.

16 Implications of the Research and Conclusion Low response rate created several issues with our data Sample error very high Unable to run certain tests (4 nonusers) Spending time on social networks does not affect academic performance College students manage their time spent between social networking and studying Students who allow social networking sites to interfere with their studying would most likely find some other activity to distract them if social networking was not available

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