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All the resources that you need to finally get the body you want. I’ll be selecting the best of over 350 blogs,

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3 All the resources that you need to finally get the body you want. I’ll be selecting the best of over 350 blogs, YouTube videos and other relevant sources, and adding my own personal experience where I think it will be helpful for you. After having lost three stone (44lbs, 20Kg) and kept it off for over a year – and loving every minute of it, I decided that I would write a book. There’s not really a shortage of books in the Paleo “space”, but I felt that none of the ones I had read provided everything that I would have liked to have known at the outset.

4 When you get started on The Primal Solution, one thing you’re going to find pretty quickly is just how the weight falls off you. A stone (14 pounds) in the first month is quite normal. It’s perfectly healthy too; it’s just your body’s reaction to not having all that modern crap pumped into it day in, day out. So yes, you can expect some seriously effective weight loss in short order. Primal isn’t low-carb per se, at the weekend I tend to reduce my carb intake right down, and get more of my fuel from fats and protein.

5 Stopped Smoking The Primal Solution that I’ve found a way of eating, training, and living in general that just fits perfectly and is so easy. But smoking is probably. The worst possible thing that you can do to yourself. Food and The Primal Solution It simple with my nutrition: meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, nuts, fats, etc. I drink a lot of water, some green tea, and I always start the day with two large mugs of very strong coffee, into which I sometimes blend some butter, for extra energy.

6 The Bloody Gym I set a lot of store by bodyweight exercises, and I still believe that you can get the entire workout you need in this manner alone. So I had a little “aha” moment when I dug out my Z-Trainer (it’s basically the same as a TRX and costs WAY less) and got it safely reinstalled in my home gym. Food and The Primal Solution It simple with my nutrition: meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, nuts, fats, etc. I drink a lot of water, some green tea, and I always start the day with two large mugs of very strong coffee, into which I sometimes blend some butter, for extra energy.

7 In The Primal Solution program I’ve condensed everything I’ve learned in the last year into a start-to-finish program which anyone of ANY age or fitness level can start right away. In three easy stages it will help your body shed pounds of fat, tone up muscle, burn off love handles, double chins and “Moobs”… and flatten your stomach! I’ve included every tip, trick and secret weapon that I have used to obliterate belly fat in one month. It’s really easy to follow and won’t disrupt your life at all.

8 The treadmill. Its very name sounds like an instrument of torture, and in every gym, up and down the country, there’s usually a row of them whirring away as people pound away on them. I was one of those. The Primal Solution, the only gym equipment that you really need is your bodyweight, and gravity. You can get a fantastic body doing only bodyweight exercises,

9  Oriental Style Sea Bass  Chicken Provencale  Marvellous Meatloaf!  When should YOU use Intermittent Fasting?  A little treat… The Primal Solution Ice Cream  No need to go cold turkey – Try Turkey Marengo from The Primal Chef!  Pesto – I love the stuff!

10 The treadmill. Its very name sounds like an instrument of torture, and in every gym, up and down the country, there’s usually a row of them whirring away as people pound away on them. I was one of those. The Primal Solution, the only gym equipment that you really need is your bodyweight, and gravity. You can get a fantastic body doing only bodyweight exercises,


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