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Continuous Improvement & MSIP 5 Monitoring Session Description: The Affton School District utilizes the Baldrige criteria for performance excellence to.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous Improvement & MSIP 5 Monitoring Session Description: The Affton School District utilizes the Baldrige criteria for performance excellence to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuous Improvement & MSIP 5 Monitoring Session Description: The Affton School District utilizes the Baldrige criteria for performance excellence to drive continuous improvement across the district. This session will illustrate how the district utilizes systems perspective and visionary leadership to pursue the ultimate goal of creating students that are confident and capable citizens. Examples of how the district balances innovation and MSIP 5 accountability will be provided. Dr. Steve Brotherton Superintendent Dr. Travis Bracht Assistant Superintendent

2 Affton School District Demographics LocationSouth St. Louis County Pre-school Enrollment200 K-12 Enrollment2,600 Free & Reduced Lunch %40% Ethnicity - % White78% Ethnicity - % Black8% Ethnicity - % Hispanic6% Size of District Boundaries6 square miles

3 Mission The mission of the Affton School District is to prepare all of our students to become confident and capable citizens through rigorous, customized learning.

4 Vision Affton’s continuous journey toward excellence sparks innovative teaching and learning, developing students as responsible citizens prepared for the challenges of the global society. Students grow as highly capable, curious, and confident learners through customized instruction, fueled by technology integration and the passions of the Affton community.

5 3 Focus Areas For This Session Innovation MSIP 5 Baldrige

6 Baldrige Criteria Utilization Highlights

7 Classroom-level: Continuous Classroom Improvement (CCI) Step 1: Clarify & communicate learning requirements. Step 2: Post a learning goal. Step 3: Chart & analyze learning results. Step 4: Write & use a class mission statement. Step 5: PLAN for frequent cycles of learning by setting short-term learning targets. Step 6: Determine what teacher & students need to DO to ensure everyone learns the target. Step 7: STUDY the results of strategies used in the learning cycle. Step 8: ACTION plan and make adjustments for the next cycle of learning.

8 Continuous Classroom Improvement PDSA – Plan Do Study ActPlus/Delta

9 Utilization of Quality Tools Strategy Bank Consensogram

10 District-level: PDSA Program Evaluations Section 1: Program background & budget impact. STUDY Section 2: Update on current goals. Section 3: Program data and results. ACT Section 4: Analysis and conclusions. PLAN & DO Section 5: Proposed goals for next year.

11 Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence Compass-level Application Administrator Book Study

12 Customer Focus Administrative Assistants Bus Drivers Set Customer Service Goals

13 Reauthorized District CSIP – August 2016 Strategic Area #5: Operational Excellence & Continuous Improvement Goal: ASD believes in governance using the continuous improvement model as the mechanism to achieve operational excellence. Objective: Utilize the Baldrige performance excellence framework to deliver high quality services to students and staff while ensuring efficient and timely operations.

14 Outstanding BOE Award 2016 Climate, Culture and Organizational Efficacy

15 MSIP 5 & Accreditation



18 Baldrige Framework

19 MSIP 5 APR KEY FACTS BALDRIGE FRAMEWORK CONNECTIONS 1. CCR & Graduation Rate = 43% of APR Points Leadership Strategy Measurement, Analysis, & Knowledge Management 2. CCR & Graduation Rate = Lowest APR Areas CCR = 22/30 and Graduation Rate = 22.5/30 Leadership Strategy Measurement, Analysis, & Knowledge Management 3. CCR & Graduation Rate have a close connection to juniors & seniors in high school. Leadership Strategy Customers

20 MSIP 5 APR KEY ACTIONS BALDRIGE FRAMEWORK CONNECTIONS 1. Explain CCR scoring details to AHS administrators, counselors, & CTE coordinator. (Summer/Fall 2012) Leadership Workforce 2. Create a monitoring system to track each seniors CCR point status. (Fall 2012) Leadership Workforce Operations 3. Add a course and increase participation in courses and assessments that impact CCR. (Spring 2013) Leadership Workforce Operations Customers 4. Provide PD specific to increasing ACT scores to all AHS core teachers. (Fall 2013) Leadership Workforce Operations Customers

21 MSIP 5 APR KEY RESULTS BALDRIGE FRAMEWORK CONNECTIONS 1. ASD 1 of only 10 St. Louis County Districts to score over 90% on the 2013 APR. Results Measurement, Analysis, & Knowledge Management 2. ASD 1 of only 2 St. Louis County Districts to score over 90% in 2013 and increase their APR in both 2014 and 2015. Results Measurement, Analysis, & Knowledge Management 3. ASD increased CCR points from 24.5 in 2013, to 29 in 2014, and to 30 out of 30 in 2015. Results Measurement, Analysis, & Knowledge Management 4. ASD earned AP Honor Roll status in 2014 for increasing scores and minority participation. Results Measurement, Analysis, & Knowledge Management 5. ASD increased the ACT composite from 21.4 in 2013 to 22.2 in 2014 and scored 22.0 in 2015. Results Measurement, Analysis, & Knowledge Management

22 District Improvement Plan All MSIP 5 Process Standards 1 Goal/Process Standard 1 Strategy/Goal 3 Action Steps/Strategy Monitored By Monitoring Data Formative Update Summative Update

23 School Improvement Plans Achievement Attendance Behavior Climate

24 Reauthorized District CSIP – August 2016 Strategic Area #1: Innovative Teaching & Learning Goal: In an effort to maximize academic excellence, ASD staff will implement student-centered opportunities that engage all students in creative problem solving and social emotional learning. Objective #3: Increase performance and/or meet the highest target on all MSIP indicators.

25 Outstanding BOE Award 2015 Teaching, Learning & Assessment

26 Innovative Teaching & Learning

27 Real-World, Complex Problem Solving Critical Thinking Collaboration Communication Creativity

28 87% of United States educational providers agree that graduates/new hires are adequately prepared. “Education to Employment: Designing a System That Works”, McKinsey & Company 2012

29 49% of United States employers agree that graduates/new hires are adequately prepared. “Education to Employment: Designing a System That Works”, McKinsey & Company 2012



32 Camp Invention next-generation-inbox-x/24291/

33 Innovative Sparks 1:1 Chromebooks Grades 6-12Camp Invention - Elementary

34 Innovative Sparks 100% STEM Access PLTW Grades K-12 CAPS Network Replicator

35 Innovative Sparks Computer Lab Before 1:1 Chromebooks Room 15 – A Place for Design After 1:1 Chromebooks

36 Innovative Sparks MakerSpace Grades K-2 HS Library Collaborative Space

37 Innovative Sparks Robotics Grades 6-8 Cougar Innovation Association Gaming, Coding & Tinkering

38 Something to consider...

39 Reauthorized District CSIP – August 2016 Strategic Area #1: Innovative Teaching & Learning Goal: In an effort to maximize academic excellence, ASD staff will implement student-centered opportunities that engage all students in creative problem solving and social emotional learning. Objective #1: Engage all students in challenging content that demands critical thinking and creativity to solve complex, real-world problems beyond what might appear on a standardized test.

40 Dr. Steve Brotherton Dr. Travis Bracht

41 41

42 Research Lezotte – Effective Schools Marzano – Level Factors Hattie – Strategy Impact System Baldrige Continuous Improvement Quality Tools CSIP/DIP/SIP PDSA Systems Check Teacher Eval Docs Admin Eval Docs CONNECTING THE DOTS 42

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