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RNA trafficking and translation in neurons John Carson.

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1 RNA trafficking and translation in neurons John Carson

2 postsynaptic density RNA granule signaling synthesis  CaMKII FMRP NG ARC PKM  MAP1B MAP2 TOG hnRNP A2 RNA FMRP PSD and RNA granule constitute a bipartite positive feedback system to convert ephemeral electrical stimulation at the synapse into enduring biochemical changes in the spine RNA granule

3 translational output from individual RNA granules is bursty DHPG  CaMKII FMRP NG PKM  MAP1B MAP2 ARC

4 A2RE protein Stochastic simulation of bursty translation requires initiation rates > 0.3/s

5  CaMKII FMRP NG PKM  MAP1B MAP2 ARC slow fast intact TOG protein is necessary and sufficient for granule assembly and bursty translation TOG is a structural catalyst for translation D1D2D3D4D5D6D7

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