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The French Republic By Moritz Steinbauer.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Republic By Moritz Steinbauer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Republic 1792-1799 By Moritz Steinbauer

2 The Story Continuous…. “During the greater part of the day the guillotine had been kept busy at its ghastly work; all that France had boasted of in the past centuries of ancient names and blue blood had paid toll to her desire for liberty and fraternity". Novel: “The Scarlet Pimpernel” – captures the terror of those days when the French Revolution turned bloody.

3 Content  The National Convention  Exporting the Revolution  Committee of Public Safety  Opposition  Work of the National Convention  The Reign of Terror  Work of the National Convention  The Directory  Napoleon Bonaparte  Conclusion

4 The National Convention

5  The French Revolution took place… What now?  1792 The National Convention holds its first meeting.  Delegates were elected to this convention by universal manhood suffrage. (= means that every adult mail could vote, whether he owned property or not)  Similar to the Legislative Assembly, delegates in the National Convention were divided into three main groups

6 The National Convention  The three groups… 1) The Girondins 2) The Jacobins 3) Delegates who had no definite views.

7 The National Convention 1) The Girondins - Were supporters of the King - Got less since the legislative Assembly - Mainly from Southwest France, therefore feared that France would be ruled from Paris

8 The National Convention 2) The Jacobins - Favored domination of France by Paris - Georges- Jacques Danton and Maximilien Robespierre were two of the most powerful Jacobins - Some were extreme radical and wanted reforms that benefit all classes of society - Jean- Paul Marat, a doctor from Paris led these radicals

9 The National Convention 3) Delegates who had no definite views. - Obviously they were people who didn’t chose one said and had their personal views. - But most of those joined the Jacobins later on

10 The National Convention  The National Convention governed France for three years  Its first Act was to declare the end of the monarchy and the beginning of the republic  The delegates also had to write a new constitution while trying to keep order at home (revolts of people who supported the monarch or did not agree with some of the new ideas) and fight foreign invaders. (attacks form other countries that wanted to restore the monarchy in order to keep the balance of power and in order to stop the spread of revolutionary ideas.)

11 The National Convention  The National Convention brought Lois XVI to trial, charging him with plotting against the security of the nation.  The Convention found him guilty and sentenced him to death.  On January 21, 1793 Louis XVI was beheaded by the guillotine. The rest of Europe was shocked by this act and even in the United States people were disturbed by the actions.

12 Exporting the Revolution

13  French Troops defeated the Austrian and Prussian Invasion  Building on those victories the French invaded the Austrian Netherlands  The monarchs across Europe now feared that the French would come to overthrow them  Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain and the Kingdom of Sardinia joined Austria and Prussia in an alliance against France  Together the liberated the Austrian Netherlands and started to attack France once more.

14 Committee of Public Safety

15  In 1793 the National Convention took steps to meet the threat of invaders  The committee of Public Safety was formed in order to protect and defend France  The Convention also established a special court, the Revolutionary Tribunal, to try “enemies of the Revolution”.

16 Committee of Public Safety  To be prepared the Committee of Public Safety adopted conscription to draft citizens into the army.  All unmarried, able- bodied men between 18 and 25 were subject to military service

17 Committee of Public Safety  The force of patriotic young men took a new spirit and became really strong.  No matter from what social background you come or class if you proved yourself you could become and officer.

18 Opposition

19  Some French people rose up against the revolutionary government.  In western France the “Royal and Catholic” army fought against the revolutionary army.  Those activtes were called counter revolutionary.  They supported the old Regime

20 Opposition  Jacobins violently stroked down those counterrevolutionary activities. They arrested many Girondin delegates who favored the counterrevolution.  Charlotte Corday, a young woman influenced by Girondin ideas, assassinated Marat (one of the top Jacobins)  The Revolutionary Tribunal sent her to the guillotine for her crime.

21 Video 1

22 The Reign of Terror

23  The Reign of Terror lasted from September 1793 to July 1794  Robespierre wrote," It is necessary to annihilate [completely destroy] both the internal and external enemies of the republic of perish with its fall”

24 The Reign of Terror  The Revolutionary Tribunal punished the enemies of the Republic and occasionally executed people who were simply suspected of helping the counterrevolution.  Since Robespierre became a leader of the Committee and since the Jacobins became more powerful they started to kill everything that stepped into their way.

25 The Reign of Terror  Robespierre and Danton began by sending their Girondin opponents to the guillotine.  For example Olympe de Gouges or Marie. Antoinette.  They executed twice as many bourgeoisie as nobles and more than twice as many peasants and workers as bourgeoisie.  This shows that the reign was not only against the old leaders or powerful supporters of the monarchy no it was against everybody who was disloyal to the Jacobins.

26 The Reign of Terror  By the Spring of 1794 the French army defeated the foreign invaders and France became a lot safer and it looked like it could stabiles.  Danton thought the Reign of Terror meet its goal and should come to an end.  He said the Republic is out of danger both from a international and a domestic point of view.

27 The Reign of Terror  Robespierre became even more fanatical and accused Danton of disloyalty to the Revolution.  He had Danton and his followers put to death  This caused even Robespierre colleagues to fear for their own safety

28 The Reign of Terror  Robespierre continued the brutal suppression for several month  In July 1794 some members of the Nation Convention finally called a halt and stopped Robespierre  He was arrested the same month and he also was guillotined shortly after.

29 The Reign of Terror  With his death the Reign of Terror also came to an end  A general feeling of relive was experienced  The Jacobins lost power  The wealthy middle class took power in the National Convention  Fashion changed as people rebelled against the strict Jacobin values  Luxuries dresses and hats came back

30 The Reign of Terror  However, prices again rose sharply, causing hardship for the poor  Riots were put down by the army upsetting the general public  A feeling of unrest persisted  By 1794 many French people even favored a return to monarchy

31 Video 2

32 Work of the National Convention

33  From 1792 to 1795 the National Convention kept meeting despite the difficult times  They made many domestic reforms  The reforms changed every level of the French society  The National Convention promoted a “Republic of Virtue”, where people would act according to good citizenship.

34 Work of the National Convention  To achieve this goal the Convention opened new schools and supported the idea of universal elementary education.  To help the economy they established wage and price controls to stop inflation  Even during the Reign of terror they kept working.  They tried to work on basic Human rights  They abolished slavery and encouraged religious toleration

35 Work of the National Convention  They also replaced the monarchy confusing system of weights and measures with the metric system which is used in most parts of the world today. This made trade easier  The convention also created a new calendar starting on the September of 1792 which is the date of the republics creation.

36 Work of the National Convention  Also the Convention managed to command the military very well. By 1795 the French had driven the invaders from French soil and conquered territory as far as the Rhine River in Germany.  Even more important is that the coalition formed against them by other countries started to fall abart due to the French success.  The army was also used at home against counterrevolutionary activities.

37 The Directory

38  In 1795 the National Convention completed another constitution. The government established by this new constitution took power in the same year.  It was a two house legislature

39  The upper house also had the power to select the executive branch which consisted of five individuals known as the directors.  This gave the new government its name, = The Directory The Directory 500- member lower house 250- member upper house  The lower house proposed laws and the upper accepted or rejected them. 5 member committee “the directors”

40 The Directory  The new constitution also eliminated universal manhood suffrage.  Therefore only male property owners were allowed to vote again.  This caused that again the wealthy ones controlled France as they already had under the National Assembly.  The Directory governed France for four years.  But no political group was pleased with this.  The directors were corrupt and started to fight each other  Since the rich were in power the poor started to suffer again and started riots that were stroke down by the army.  The directory soon became unpopular as the Old regime. The financial difficulties and its failure paved the way for a military dictatorship.

41 Napoleon Bonaparte

42  Under the Directory ongoing wars with Great Britain, Austria and Sardine there were many possibilities for young officers to prove themselves.  Between 1975 and 1799 a young general named Napoleon Bonaparte came to the publics attention.  With only 26 he stopped an uprising in Paris that would have prevented the creation of the Directory.  He was smart in military tactics but also in politics.

43 Napoleon Bonaparte  Napoleon is Considered one of the greatest generals of all times  All of Frances wars starting from 1796 to 1815 are called the Napoleonic Wars.  Napoleons genius lay in his ability to move troops rapidly to the most critical points of the battlefield.  His opponents tactics were older and slower.  Napoleon defeated Italy and Austria four times forcing both countries to make peace under conditions laid out by France.

44 Napoleon Bonaparte  The Directory worried that the popular Napoleon might try to seize power  Napoleon went from victory to victory and won one battle after the other.  He improved military training and the moral.  The troops as well as the civilian population started to love him.  He proposed attacking the British in Egypt the Directory agreed since that would keep him out of Paris.

45 Napoleon Bonaparte  But the war in Egypt was a complete failure the French fleet was sunk and the troops were surrounded by enemies in Egypt.

46 Napoleon takes power

47  Napoleon became more and more of a Hero  But France was in danger new allies formed against France lead by Britain  These new forces drove France out of previously conquered places in Italy  Napoleons supporters believed that only he could save France now

48  His supporters developed a plan to overthrow the government and out Napoleon in power.  These supporters wanted a strong and stable France with a strong leader since they feared they would loose all that they gained during the Revolution  In 1799 it was time and the military seized power and arrested or forced all members of the legislature to leave.  Seizing power by force is called a coup d'état. “stroke of the state” Napoleon takes power

49  Napoleon later said, ”I found the crown of France lying on the ground, and I picked it up withy my sword.”

50 Video 3

51 Timeline & Conclusion

52 Timeline 1792-1799 1792 - April: France declares war on Austria - August: Louis XIV gets take as prisoner - September: National Convention declares that France is a Republic 1793 - January: Louis XIV gets executed - February: France declares war on, Britain, Holland and Spain. Also slavery gets abolished - April-June: Committee of public safety gets formed (restages of the reign of terror) 1793-1794 - Reign of Terror - 1794 Spring: French Troops are successful on all fronts. - July: Robespierre gets executed end of the reign of terror

53 Timeline 1792-1799 1794 1795-99 -The Directory rules -1797 Napoleon defeats the Austrian Armies - 1798 European powers form treaties against France For the second time 1799 - Napoleon sizes power with his coup d'état. Conclusion about this stage: Radical revolutionaries led France through terror and war, while Napoleon rose to power.

54 Thank you for your attention! Yours Moritz

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