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The Reformation and Northern Renaissance. Objectives  Summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation.  Analyze Martin Luther’s role.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reformation and Northern Renaissance. Objectives  Summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation.  Analyze Martin Luther’s role."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reformation and Northern Renaissance

2 Objectives  Summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation.  Analyze Martin Luther’s role in shaping the Protestant Reformation.  Explain the teachings and impact of John Calvin.

3 Terms and People  Diet  John Calvin  Predestination  Geneva  Theocracy  Martin Luther  Indulgence

4 The Protestant Reformation  Started in the 1500s  Northern Europe calls for church reform  Christian unity was shattered

5 Motors of the Reformation  The printing press  Spread knowledge and ideas quickly  Humanist ideas  Questioning the central force in life – the church

6 Church vs. the world  Popes competed against Italian Princes for political power  Wars were fought over papal states (under pope rule)  Plotted against Monarchs who wanted the papal states  Hired artists to beautify the church

7 Church and $$$$  To finance lifestyles the church did the following:  Charged fees for baptisms and marriages  Sold indulgences (Rich could afford)  Lessen time in purgatory  Offered for good deeds done  Many Christians were against  Sold positions in the Church

8 Martin Luther  German Monk  Despised the sale of indulgences  Argued indulgences had no place in the bible  Christians could only be saved by faith  Rejected the authority of Rome

9 Reactions to Martin Luther  Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther  Emperor Charles V declared Luther an outlaw  Many agreed with his teachings and became followers

10 Luther Teachings  All have equal access to God, not just priests  He wanted everyone to study the bible so he translated it into German  Banned indulgences, confession, prayers to saints

11 Printing Press  Helped spread the Luther Word  Printed the Bible into a language other than Latin  Everyone could interpret the bible

12 John Calvin  Accepted most of Lutheran beliefs but added his own  Predestination – God had already determined who would and would not gain salvation  Established a theocracy in Geneva  Government where church leaders are also leaders in the government.

13 Battles  Germany – Lutherans and Catholics fought Calvinists  France- Calvinists battled Catholics  Scotland- Calvinists led by John Knox help overthrow the Catholic queen.

14 Some Reformers Flee  Some reformers decided they needed a fresh start and were granted the right to start a colony in the New World.  These reformers set sail on the Mayflower and begin a new society in the America’s.

15 The Northern Renaissance  During the time of the Reformation a second renaissance was happening in Europe.  Instead of being centered around Florence this one was centered around the city of Flanders.  The ideas and technology developed here would soon spread all around Europe.

16 People of the Northern Renaissance  Johann Gutenberg  Invented the printing press with movable type.  Albrecht Dürer  Leonardo of the North, use Renaissance techniques in engraving  Erasmus  Translated the Bible into the Vernacular  Sir Thomas More  Humanist who pushed for social reform in England, beheaded  Shakespeare  Wrote many plays and is the most famous writer of the Northern Renaissance. Added 1,700 words to the English language.

17 New Ideas  Printing Press  Engraving  The Bible in the vernacular  Vernacular – the common tongue spoken by every day people.  Oil based paints

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