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Political economy of the media. What is political economy? - Analysis of the production of wealth to the wider constitution of society, - Economics and.

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Presentation on theme: "Political economy of the media. What is political economy? - Analysis of the production of wealth to the wider constitution of society, - Economics and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political economy of the media

2 What is political economy? - Analysis of the production of wealth to the wider constitution of society, - Economics and society are inseparable. - Marx: understanding of society via its ways of production. (Penguin Dictionary of Sociology:2000)


4 Capitalist world economy World-economy - large geographic zone where there is division of labour and exchange and flow of goods, capital and labour. Capitalist system - endless accumulation of capital. People and firms are accumulating capital in order to accumulate still more capital

5 Institutions in the capitalist economy Markets - both concrete and virtual structure to buy and sell goods States Households Classes and status-groups (Weber) or identities

6 Secondary exports - 2002

7 Rewards and penalties Those who act in accordance to the system are rewarded and those who don't are penalized. Ex. Indigenous and rural communities

8 Capitalism and politics Economic producers and holders of political power need to be on the same tune. This relation needs to be balanced

9 Lobby of the Irish farmers against Brazilian beef

10 Anti-monopolistic features One producer's monopolistic advantage is another producer's loss. Quasi-monopolies are self-liquidating because new producers can force their entry into the market.

11 Growth advantages and disadvantages Size brings down costs - economies of scale. It also increases administration costs and the risks of managerial inneficiency Size has political implications - more power, more vulnerability

12 Core - periphery relationship Core-like production processes - controlled by quasi-monopolies + Peripheral processes - competition among many producers. = constant flow of surplus-value from periphery products to core-like producers. (unequal exchange)

13 Break

14 What is 'information'? Answers to questions - common definition Ways to reason about information: Information as the medium Information as order Information as cognitions Information as code Information as being informed Information as a commodity

15 Shannon & Weaver model

16 Noise - distortion of the message More messages = more uncertainty Lathi (1983) - information is connected to the element of surprise. Campbell (1982) - if all the possible messages are equally probable ignorance is a maximum

17 Information as commodity Oppose to Habermas - communicative intent, interaction, freedom and participation. What is the value of information? Information is a tool for better management of tangible resources, economic resource (NCLIS)

18 First enclosure - privatization of land. Second enclosure - privatization of knowledge

19 Developments on information policy - Entrepeneurial ethic - Perception of information as a saleable commodity.


21 Bloomberg

22 Ownership of Ideas Ideas are free, but authors need to be rewarded for surrendering them to the public. Value of information - who can benefit financially of it? How can reward and access be balanced?

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