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20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt Creating.

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Presentation on theme: "20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt Creating."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt Creating A Colony Vocab Cont.. Which Colony? Grab Bag

2 Which was the first permanent English colony? Creating A Colony 10

3 Virginia Creating A Colony 10

4 Why did King Charles II create Carolina? Creating A Colony 20

5 To protect southern colonies from the French and Spain. Creating A Colony 20

6 What did Calvert want Maryland to be? Creating A Colony 30

7 A refuge for all Catholics. Creating A Colony 30

8 Why did colonists originally settle in Virginia? Creating A Colony 40

9 To find gold. Creating A Colony 40

10 What did Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson and Thomas Hooker all have in common? Creating A Colony 50

11 They were dissenters who did not agree with the beliefs of their leaders. Creating A Colony 50

12 A group of people with the power to make and change laws is called__________ Vocab 10

13 A Legislature Vocab 10

14 An official agreement between groups or nations is called a ____________ Vocab 20

15 Treaty Vocab 20

16 The time of year when it is warm enough for plants to grow is called ______________ Vocab 30

17 growing season Vocab 30

18 Someone who works for a more experienced person to learn a skill is called an _____________ Vocab 40

19 apprentice Vocab 40

20 A person in charge of a colonies land is called a _______________ Vocab 50

21 proprietor Vocab 50

22 The ________ _______ was the business of buying a selling people. Vocab 10

23 slave trade Vocab 10

24 A person who owes money is called a ________________ Vocab 20

25 debtor Vocab 20

26 A _________ is all of the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service. Vocab 30

27 industry Vocab 30

28 Vocab 40 A plant that can be made Into a dark blue dye is ______________.

29 indigo Vocab 40

30 What is an economy in which citizens decide what will be produced, rather than the government? Vocab 50

31 free market economy Vocab 50

32 Which Colony? 10

33 New Jersey Which Colony? 10

34 Which Colony? 20

35 Delaware Which Colony? 20

36 Which Colony? 30

37 Connecticut Which Colony? 30

38 Which Colony? 40

39 Georgia Which Colony? 40

40 Which Colony? 50

41 Rhode Island Which Colony? 50

42 The economy of the Southern Colonies was based upon growing and selling ______________ Life 10

43 cash crops (rice, tobacco, and indigo) Life 10

44 What was the result of glaciers moving across the New England regions? Life 20

45 Glaciers scraped up rich soil and pushed it south. Life 20

46 Most of the colonists in the Southern Colonies work on _________________. Life 30

47 small farms Life 30

48 Why were the Middle Colonies known as the “bread basket” of the colonies? Life 40

49 They grew a lot of grain to make bread. Life 40

50 People wanted to live in the Middle Colonies because the proprietors believed in ________________ Life 50

51 religious freedom Life 50

52 An ________ is someone who studies to master a skill or business. Grab Bag 10

53 apprentice Grab Bag 10

54 The _____________ caused people to think of religion in new ways and join churches. Grab Bag 20

55 Great Awakening Grab Bag 20

56 How did William Penn gain land to form a colony? Grab Bag 30

57 King Charles II owed Penn’s family money, so he gave him land instead. Grab Bag 30

58 Name and describe 1 war the colonists had with the local natives. Grab Bag 40

59 Pequot War- The colonists and Pequot Indians fought over land. Grab Bag 40

60 Why was VA’s government important? Grab Bag 50

61 It was the first elected legislature. Grab Bag 50

62 Final Jeopardy Ben Franklin is the only founding father to have signed all three major U.S documents during his lifetime. What are the names of all three important U.S documents?

63 Final Jeopardy Answer Declaration of Independence United States Constitution Treaty of Paris

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