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Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Chapter Objectives Section 2: English Colonies in America Explain the religious.

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Presentation on theme: "Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Chapter Objectives Section 2: English Colonies in America Explain the religious."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Chapter Objectives Section 2: English Colonies in America Explain the religious and economic reasons why England became interested in America.  Describe the founding of Jamestown and explain why it succeeded.

2 Thought for the Day Name as many places that are called “New” ____________. Why are there so many and what does it mean?

3 The English in America

4 For nearly 100 years, the English did not pursue colonizing the Americas while the French and Spanish did

5 4 Reasons for new interest in colonizing America

6 Protestant Reformation Attacks practices of the Catholic church People want to worship as they please

7 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

8 Creation of the Anglican Church under Henry VIII Pope refuses to annul marriage Puritans want to “purify” the Anglican church from the Catholic church Leave because of religious persecution


10 Enclosure movement Landowners had rented land to tenant farmers Convert estates to ranches Push people off of lands Look for a new life English practice primogeniture Only 1 st son inherits property (others search for land)

11 Reviewing Themes Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Geography and History How did the enclosure movement change England’s society? It created many unemployed beggars in England who hoped to get a better life in America.

12 Joint-stock companies Group of investors to make money Create new markets Gives people the opportunity to leave England

13 What religious and economic changes led to England’s interest in establishing colonies in America? The Reformation in England led Puritans to want to leave England for America; the change from tenant farming to sheep raising left many poor and unemployed people looking toward America for economic opportunities. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. England Takes Interest in America (cont.) (pages 58–61)

14 English Explorers

15 John Cabot 1497US NW Passage 1 st Englishman to come to America

16 John Cabot


18 The English want to establish colonies To form bases for English privateers Have supply routes for the NW Passage English merchants want new markets A place to send the homeless and unemployed

19 English Explorers

20 Sir Walter Raleigh 1585-87NC Establish a colony Roanoke Islands off of NC 1590- returns and colony gone Find CRO carved on a tree Croatoan Indians Lost Colony of Roanoke Lost Colony of Roanoke What happened?

21 Sir Walter Raleigh

22 Before its mysterious ending, the Lost Colony of Roanoke had the distinction of being the birthplace of Virginia Dare, granddaughter of Governor John White. Born on August 18, 1587, Virginia was the first child of English parents to be born on American soil.

23 The Jamestown Colony Get a charter and for a joint-stock company The Virginia Co. 1607- send 100 colonists to VA Name it after King James I Settlement nearly fails Not real hard workers Get rich quick Most are wealthy Ignore daily tasks Swampy, disease carrying area Swampy, disease carrying area



26 Jamestown was founded on May 14, 1607, more than forty years after Pedro Menèndez de Avilès founded St. Augustine in 1565. The Spanish explorer and his expedition arrived in Florida on August 28, the feast of St. Augustine.

27 Why was the settlement of Jamestown in trouble from its beginning? Most of the Jamestown settlers were townspeople who knew nothing about living in the woods or farming. Many refused to do the necessary manual labor. Sicknesses and food shortages occurred, and many settlers died. Jamestown Is Founded (cont.) Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. (pages 62–64)

28 Jamestown Colony (cont’d) 1608- John Smith takes control (HWDNWDNE) Winter 1609-10- “Starving Time” only 60 of original 400 survive Natives help them survive (Pocahantas) 1613- John Rolfe creates a tobacco to sell to England Grant headrights- promise head of family 50 acres 1624- not making a profit King makes it a Royal colony Has a House of Burgesses(1 ST form of representative govt in America

29 John Smith

30 Pocahontas Powhatan Pocahontas PowhatanPocahontas


32 Among the artifacts found in Jamestown is a goffering iron. These tapered cylinders were used to crimp or frill the neck ruff that was fashionable for English gentlemen to wear. The person making the ruff first added starch for stiffness. Then the person heated the goffering iron by putting a smaller, hot iron inside the tube. Finally, the ruff was shaped with the hot goffering iron.

33 Pocahontas Rebecca Rolfe started life with the name Matoaka. Her nickname, Pocahontas, has been translated to mean “playful one” or “favorite daughter.”

34 Burgess In the 1600s, burgess was the term used by the English for a member of Parliament who represented a town or borough.

35 Maryland Founded as a proprietary colony (owner) Catholics are being persecuted in England Lord Baltimore gets a charter to establish a colony Created as a haven for Roman Catholics Ends up with more Protestants than Catholics Sign the Maryland Toleration Act Does not protect non-Christians

36 Jamestown 1 pager Read Article. The Ultimate Realty Show. Create a 1 pager on Jamestown ½- picture drawn related to Jamestown (Include 5 key words in the drawing) ½- 1 st sentence main idea of the article 5 sentences describing the article. Underline 5 key words used in picture in your paragraph

37 (pages 64) Maryland Is Founded (cont.) Why did Lord Baltimore establish the colony of Maryland? He wanted to establish a refuge for Catholics, who were being persecuted in England. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

38 Checking for Understanding __ 1.form of business organization in which many investors pool funds to raise large amounts of money for large projects __ 2.a colony owned by an individual __ 3.representatives to the general assembly of the Virginia colony __ 4.someone who wanted to purify the Anglican Church during the 1500s and 1600s __ 5.system in which settlers were granted land in exchange for settling in Virginia A.Puritan B.joint-stock company C.burgesses D.headright E.proprietary colony Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. E C B A D



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