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Inaugural C∙MORE Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Workshop March 17, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Inaugural C∙MORE Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Workshop March 17, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inaugural C∙MORE Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Workshop March 17, 2008

2 Building Bridges Not your typical scientific symposium Learn and share research interests, initiatives, and ideas Future collaborations and Center effectiveness Key inputs and contributions to the All- Hands meeting Connect, explore possibilities!

3 Stretching Perspectives Balancing different perspectives – the science, collaborative thinking, and professional development Keeping in mind our individual and communal contributions to C∙MORE Creating opportunities for growth, networking, and success Team mentalities

4 Creating an Environment 1-day workshop Incorporation of a professional facilitator: Lee Ann Del Carpio – Inner Power Intl. Morning session – Meet & Greet and 8 formal presentations Afternoon session – Capturing excitement and break-out session work groups Evening session – Produce summary for All-Hands and continue discussions

5 Communicating Our Science “Vignettes from the Pacific,” Angel White, postdoctoral scholar (OSU) “Mechanisms for vertical exchange of fluid at meso- and submesoscale,” Paulo Calil, graduate student (UH) “Modeling diazotrophs at Station ALOHA and phytoplankton populations along the California Coast,” Nicole Goebel, postdoctoral scholar (UCSC) “Trace gases in the upper ocean at Station ALOHA,” Sam Wilson, postdoctoral scholar (UH) “Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the microbial loop: The role of DOM in marine microbial diversity and metabolism,” Jamie Becker (graduate student) and Mar Nieto Cid (postdoctoral scholar) (WHOI) “A new approach to identifying aquatic viruses,” Jennifer Brum, graduate student (UH) “Patterns of cyanobacterial nitrate reductase gene” Ryan Paerl, graduate student (UCSC) “What regulates patterns of phytoplankton diversity?” Andrew Barton, graduate student (MIT) + 20 MORE STUDENT & POSTDOC PERSPECTIVES!!

6 Accomplishments Became more familiar with the scientific research currently being conducted by C∙MORE students and post-docs Identified possibilities for further scientific collaboration Clarified opportunities for optimizing Center effectiveness in 2008 and beyond Elected student & postdoc representatives to serve on the C∙MORE Executive Committee Junior chief scientist trainee Buddy system

7 Feedback – Post Survey Value of the face-to-face interactions Team-building and individual professional development Future communication – Combinations Planning the science and mapping on Center initiatives Opportunities for continued involvement “Absolutely! It was extremely informative and it will be great for networking in the future.” “Student/postdoc presentations were really informative but possible research collaborations were not discussed.”

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