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Ausbildungszentrum ABZ Steyrermühl Training Centre of the Austrian Paper Industry Challenges and.

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Presentation on theme: "Ausbildungszentrum ABZ Steyrermühl Training Centre of the Austrian Paper Industry Challenges and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ausbildungszentrum ABZ Steyrermühl Training Centre of the Austrian Paper Industry Challenges and adult training in the Austrian Paper Industry DI(FH) Michael Coutandin February 2016 Providing competence in paper

2 In comparison with global economy our industry is a small business sector Important: great economic significance in regional areas (i.e. Styria, Upper Austria) Still ongoing substantial restructuring activities (Europe and worldwide) Graphical papers: capacity closures - site closures - companies reorientation Increase of: packaging paper - tissue paper - special papers The number of employees has been reduced by 16 - 18 % over the last 10 years Further reduction of employment approximately 1.7 (2) % per year The impact of demographic change is very serious 15 (18) % aged 55+ 36 (34) % aged 45-54  more than half of our total workforce are classified as elderly employees Paper Industry – the Challenges Sources: CEPI, Austropapier, Statistik Austria, IG BCE, VDP, EUWID

3 The consequence would be: a greater demand for professionals should be predicted for the next years Paper technicians (papermaker) Master craftsman Bachelors of Engineering (from the dual vocational training system as well as university graduates) Competence intensity of workplaces is going to increase even more in the next future  Further deterioration of opportunities for low-skilled workers Strong decline of the share of semi-skilled and unskilled people is expected Is that really the case? Additionally employees are facing changing qualification requirements due to higher labour productivity growth Paper Industry – the Challenges

4 What ABZ Steyrermühl stands for … With our General Training Concept … … we are able to transfer the dual vocational training system to each country i.e. in 2015 participants from South Africa have completed successfully their final apprenticeship exam for paper technicians

5 Prepared for the future ABZ: o Master craftsman o Basic trainings in papermaking o Paper technical seminars o Soft skills & management o Power plant trainings On-site: o Customized courses and seminars as above Distance learning: o Distance course Paper technician (papermaker) o Customized master

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