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School of Agriculture, Food and Wine Life Impact The University of Adelaide Wide hybridization, alien introgression and gene distribution Wheat Dawn Verlin,

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Presentation on theme: "School of Agriculture, Food and Wine Life Impact The University of Adelaide Wide hybridization, alien introgression and gene distribution Wheat Dawn Verlin,"— Presentation transcript:

1 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine Life Impact The University of Adelaide Wide hybridization, alien introgression and gene distribution Wheat Dawn Verlin, Peng Zhang, Harbans Bariana + Hugh Wallwork’s team, Rohit Mago, Jeff EllisOats Pamela Zwer, Parminder Sidhu, Phil Davies

2 Sr32/ Sr2S#1 recombinants E.R. Sears transferred 2S#1 chromosome from Ae. speltoides carrying Sr32 to wheat Isolation of wheat- 2S#1 recombinants began in 1996 Recombinants stabilized, documented and backcrossed A second Sr gene (Sr2S#1) was found on long arm Rohit Mago has developed PCR-based markers for shortest recombinants with Sr32 or Sr2S#1 E. R. Sears National Academy Press

3 Sr32 recombinants- GISH analysis complete Photos by Peng Zhang

4 Sr32/ Sr2S#1 recombinants Wheat Provided to breeders

5 Line 70 Type II (+ Sr32) Line 102 (+ Sr32) Line 107 (+ Sr32) Line 122 Type I (+ Sr32) Photos by Peng Zhang

6 Field Plot Site, Freeling, S.A. (acknowledgements to LongReach Plant Breeders)

7 Wheat- Field evaluation of recombinant lines LineSr GeneNo. RepsMean (g) Westonia61891.6 ± 25.2 C82.2 (original translocation)Sr32 + Sr2S#131781.5 ± 279.1 Sr32/ 44Sr2S#131991.7 ± 247.1 Sr32/ 107Sr3252331.33 ± 548.5 Sr32/ 122a (Type I)Sr3261931.4 ± 148.6 Sr32/ 122c (Type II)Sr2S#131992.17 ± 236 Sr32/ 261Sr32 + Sr2S#131335.23 ± 343.2 Sr39/ 163Sr3931914.03 ± 205.4 WA-1Sr2662091.23 ± 167.5 WA-5Sr2662090.3 ± 176.8 WA-9Sr2631939.57 ± 130.2 2S#3 (ex Ae. speltoides)Sr2S#332104.13 ± 289.6 T6-1Sr50 (SrR)32077.9 ± 278.8 Alien segment to breeders 3*Angas/2*Westonia 3*Angas/2*HUW234 5*Gabo/2*Westonia

8 HUW23461885.34 ± 211.67 Sr32/ 44Sr2S#131814.47 ± 298.68 Sr32/ 122a (Type I)Sr3232361.27 ± 116.18 2S#3 (ex Ae. speltoides)Sr2S#331908.83 ± 353.38 LineSr GeneNo. RepsMean (g) Alien segment to breeders 3*Angas/2*Westonia 3*Angas/2*HUW234 5*Gabo/2*Westonia Wheat- Field evaluation of recombinant lines

9 Field Plot Yield Tests- tentative conclusions Prevailing Hypothesis has not been refuted Lines with the largest alien chromosome segments perform poorly Best performing lines have shortest alien segments

10 SrB gene from Agropyron elongatum Located in South African wheat W3757 (Singh and McIntosh 1987) W3757 is wheat-6Ag substitution line SrB is located on 6Ag chromosome 6Ag (W3757) pairs with 6Ae#1 (6Ag) chromosome of Eagle (+Sr26) SrB gives distinct IT compared to Sr26 SrB is currently resistant to all known/ tested stem rust pathotypes. SrB may be a suitable replacement for Sr26

11 SrB gene from Agropyron elongatum 6A-6Ae#1 recombinant WA-5 successfully crossed with W3757 WA-5 recombinant + Sr26 (Photo by Peng Zhang) 6A-6Ae#1 recombinant WA-5 successfully crossed with W3757 Recombinant plant isolated involving distal 6Ae#1/ 6Ag segment (markers MWG798 and BCD001)


13 Stem Rust evaluation of Sr26 and SrB lines Data courtesy of Dr Peng Zhang LinesNo.74-L-1 (103) 34-1,2,3,4,5,6,7 [WA-5 x W3757-1-16-2-1-2] x W-1-1461/099p ;, 3p ;1- Eagle (Sr26) 12= Kite (Sr26) 12= W3757 (SrB) ; W195 (sus. control) 4 Morocco 4

14 Material Under Development- new recombinants SrTt3 on 2G#3 from T. timopheevii Sr and Lr on 2S #3 from Ae. speltoides AEG357-4 Sr on 2S#5 and 2S#6 from Ae. speltoides TS01 + AEG874-60 Sr and Lr on 6Ag from Th. ponticum OK7211542 SrB from W3757 (additional recombinants) Lr on 6T chromosome from Amblyopyrum muticum Lr on 6Ag chromosome from Th. ponticum PWM209 (Canada) T. dicoccoides backcrosses stalled- where are the Sr genes?

15 Borlaug Global Rust Initiative

16 USA- Sr26, SrR (CA, CO, WA, NE, MN, MI, GA, KS) - Sr32, Sr2S#3, Sr40 (WA) Canada- Sr26, SrR (Manitoba, Saskatchewan) South Africa- Sr26, Sr39, SrR, Sr2S#3 (Bloemfontein) Syria- Sr26 (ICARDA) Turkey- Sr26, SrR, Sr39, Sr2S#3 (Curkurova) Iran- Sr26, Sr39 (Isfahan) Mexico- Sr26, Sr32, Sr37, Sr39, Sr40, SrR (CIMMYT) India- Sr26, SrR, Sr39, Sr2S#3 (Mahyco) Pakistan- Sr26, SrR, Sr39, Sr2S#3 (Mujeeb-Kazi, Islamabad) Kenya- Sr26, SrR, Sr39, Sr2S#3 (Kenya Seed Co, Kitale) Hungary- Sr26, SrR (Sr50), Sr32, Sr39, Sr2S#3 (Martonvásár) Uruguay- Sr26, SrR (Sr50), Sr32, Sr2S#1, Sr39, Sr2S#3 (Montevideo) Indonesia- Sr26, SrR (Sr50), Sr32, Sr39, Sr2S#3 (Mataram, Lombok) International Distribution

17 Sr2S#3 Aegilops speltoides AEG357-4 Glasshouse Inoculation Ug99 + Sr24 (Prof. Zach Pretorius, Bloemfontein) International Feed-back

18 Cornell University/ Gates-DFID Funded Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat-final stage What are the priorities? Do we have enough resistance genes?

19 Oats Leaf Rust Resistance Successful crosses of oat with Avena strigosa (CIav6956) and wild diploid oat (CIav7233) Leaf rust associated with univalent chromosome

20 Meiosis on leaf rust resistant BC 3 plant derived from Wintaroo X wild diploid CIav7233 21 bivalents + univalent Oats

21 AMO4 AMO5 AMO14 a b c d a. Wintaroo (S), b. resistant BC 3, c. susceptible BC 3, d. no DNA Oat microsatellite primers. (Wu et al., 2012, Amer J Bot.) AM05 produces a band for the resistant plant

22 100bp Betz C.S. 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H No DNA AM05 Diploid Avena chromosome carrying leaf rust resistance is probably Group 2 AM05 marker on wheat- barley addition lines (Dr Rafiqul Islam)

23 Stem Rust Resistance Genes to Breeders -Australian and International Distribution

24 (+Sr26)

25 (Sr50)

26 Sr39 Recombinants

27 Sr32/ Sr2S#1 Recombinants

28 Sr2S#3 Recombinants

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