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Good Afternoon!!! 1.NVC 2.HOT ROC: Jim Crow Hypotheses 3.The Civil Rights Movement Begins 4.Martin Luther King Jr. Essential Question: What were Martin.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Afternoon!!! 1.NVC 2.HOT ROC: Jim Crow Hypotheses 3.The Civil Rights Movement Begins 4.Martin Luther King Jr. Essential Question: What were Martin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Afternoon!!! 1.NVC 2.HOT ROC: Jim Crow Hypotheses 3.The Civil Rights Movement Begins 4.Martin Luther King Jr. Essential Question: What were Martin Luther King Jr.’s views on non-violence?

2 Work with your partner to match the hypotheses below with the appropriate document (A-D). Be sure to cite specific evidence 1.Jim Crow laws persisted because segregation was viewed as legal and not violating the equal rights of African-Americans. (Doc B “legal distinction does not destroy equality”) 2.Jim Crow laws persisted because African-Americans lost a voice in their government after the reconciliation between North and South which allowed Southern racism to flourish. (Doc A Black representatives losing seats in Congress, government stops protecting due to a compromise) 3.Jim Crow laws persisted because young white people in the South were trained at a young age to dehumanize black people and view them with disrespect. (Doc D “Children’s game imagery promoted racial stereotyping and sactioned those atiitude) 4.Jim Crow laws persisted because of deeply held social and religious beliefs that the segregation of different races was normal and even natural (Doc C “ People separated for a reason, God’s will that they don’t mingle)

3 Concluding Discussion Do you think one hypothesis was more significant/convincing than any other in the existence and persistence of Jim Crow laws? Why or why not? Do you think there are any reasons not mentioned in the documents that might also explain the existence and persistence of Jim Crow?

4 The Civil Rights Movement Begins 1909 NAACP founded to promote Civil Rights 1942 CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) founded by students committed to nonviolence 1948 Executive Order 9981 signed by Truman to desegregate the armed forces 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision ends segregation in schools

5 Brown v. Board of Education history/civil-rights-movement/videos/separate- but-not- equal?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&fre e=false history/civil-rights-movement/videos/separate- but-not- equal?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&fre e=false – What does the Supreme Court decide in the Brown v. Board decision? Separate is unequal and unconstitutional :How does this contradict the earlier Plessy v. Ferguson decision? – How does the decision impact segregation in the South? “breaks the back” of segregation

6 The South Resists Change Segregation continues in most of the South even after Brown v. Board of Education December 1955 Rosa Parks arrested in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus to a white person – Leads to the Montgomery Bus Boycott: first major protest (and success) of the Civil Rights Movement Led by Martin Luther King Jr.

7 What do you know about Martin Luther King Jr.? He was assassinated at a hotel He was a pastor and so was his father Known for his “I have a dream” speech Led the civil rights movement/big activist National holiday Has kids Bad experiences with racism as a youth He has a memorial in DC with quote on it but not I have a dream Born same year as Anne Frank Believed in non-violence

8 What were Martin Luther King Jr.’s views on non- violence? Definition: peaceful protest or noncooperation with authorities to achieve social or political goals – Not one hair on one head of one white person be harmed  never fight back even if you want to – Point was to defy authority – Courage in the face of danger

9 Concluding Discussion 1.Which of MLK’s views on nonviolence did you find the most interesting or surprising? Why? 2.Why do you think MLK was so committed to nonviolence during the civil rights movement?

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