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Kaily Osborne Jennifer Alonso SEXUAL HEALTH Health Lesson Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaily Osborne Jennifer Alonso SEXUAL HEALTH Health Lesson Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaily Osborne Jennifer Alonso SEXUAL HEALTH Health Lesson Plan

2 Standard, Description and Rationale Standard #7: Planning for Instruction The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing up knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. Name of Artifact: Health Education Lesson Plan Date: April, 17, 2014 Course: EDUC 240 Brief Description: For this assignment, I developed a power point presentation for a lesson plan on sexual health. The focus is on Good Touch, Bad Touch for elementary students. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard #7, Planning for Instruction, I selected to include my Health Lesson Plan because this assignment demonstrates my ability to create effective and age appropriate instruction about important health topics. With this PowerPoint I am able to demonstrate my method of instruction in a visual pleasing format.

3 Activity, Grade Level, and Duration Good Touch, Bad Touch Grade 2 15 minutes

4 Standards and Objectives NEHS Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision- making skills to enhance health. IHEAS 2.5.2: Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision can be made individually or when assistance is needed. By the end of this lesson students will be able to 1. Students will gain knowledge about their bodies and personal safety. 2. Students will be able to develop decision making skills utilizing the concept of personal safety. 3. Students will practice the appropriate language and phrases to use in different situations. 4. Identify people who are part of their support system.

5 Equipment/Materials Construction paper Markers Crayons Colored pencils Tape

6 Preparation Cut leaves out of construction paper for students to write trusted names for support (one per student) Cut out tree trunk and branches from construction paper for safety tree, and assemble on wall Write up a scenario for a good and bad touch to end the lesson in discussion

7 Introductory Activity Tell students that there are rules to follow to protect themselves from violence. Define unsafe touch. A private body part is a body part that your bathing suit covers. Ask them to discuss rules to follow if you get an unsafe touch, guide their responses: 1. Tell the person to stop. 2. Yell as loud as you can. 3. Run away. 4. Tell your parents, guardian, or another trusted adult right away.

8 Lesson Activity Pass out leaves to students Have them label three areas; family, school, and community Allow them 15 minutes to write in names of people they can go to for help under the categories Allow them 5 minutes to get a piece of tape and hang their leaf on the safety tree

9 Closing Activity Read the scenarios previously written one at a time to the students Allow discussion about if the touch is good or bad and why

10 Assessment Activity What is a good touch? What is a bad touch? Name some rules to keep you safe? What will you do or say if you get an unsafe touch? Who will you tell if you need help?

11 Assessment Checklist _____ Student gained knowledge about their bodies and personal safety. _____ Student is able to develop decision making skills utilizing the concept of personal safety. _____ Student uses appropriate language and phrases to use in different situations. _____Student can identify people who are part of their support system.

12 Accommodations Increase Difficulty Let students come up with their own rules for bad touch scenario Require students to correctly name private parts Decrease Difficulty Provide a picture and ask if it is good or bad touch instead of having them draw picture Let them work in groups

13 Safety Concerns No real safety concerns, but…  Go over rules with art supplies  Taking turns while taping leaves

14 References Ramsey. (n.d.). GOOD TOUCH/BAD TOUCH K-2.. Retrieved, from AA1B-D3DF7025D015/1445/curriculum_12.pdf AA1B-D3DF7025D015/1445/curriculum_12.pdf Curriculum Grade 2. (n.d.). Child Abuse Prevention Program. Retrieved, from http://www.speakupbesafe.orhttp://www.speakupbesafe.or 10 Tips for Teaching Kids About Good Touch Bad Touch [From the Mouths of Moms] - B-Inspired Mama. (n.d.). BInspired Mama. Retrieved, from good/g/grade_2.html

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