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PDAP Geometrical Support 7 th IPDA SC meeting N. Hirata (Univ. of Aizu)

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Presentation on theme: "PDAP Geometrical Support 7 th IPDA SC meeting N. Hirata (Univ. of Aizu)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PDAP Geometrical Support 7 th IPDA SC meeting N. Hirata (Univ. of Aizu)

2 What is it? PDAP Geometrical Support Extension was defined as one of the tasks of PDAP activities in the last SC Naru Hirata was assigned as a task leader Scope was not defined well – To be provided by Hirata... but delayed

3 Activities in this term Clarify targets of this task Listing up peculiar issues to be considered

4 Target Add/Expand capability for geolocation-based search PDAP Modify/Update MAP_PROJECTED Resource Class in PDAP v1.0 – A Map Projected Data Service MUST implement the general PDAP input/output parameters plus the following query input parameters to define a Region Of Interest (ROI) for the product search. LONGITUDE range and LATITUDE range

5 Issues to be considered Name of the task (Geometry Extension) Name of MAP_PROJECTED Resource Class Variations of expression on geographic coordinates Dictionary of coordinate names, map projection names and their related parameters Implementation problem: Handling on Spatial Relationships

6 Geometry Extension? Implying Geometry between the Target and the Observer (S/C) But...: Geolocation of a footprint of instrument – Geographical coordinates of corners of camera FOV – Exclude cases that the limb of target appeared in the FOV Managed by (Flyby) extension Propose to rename Geographical Extension or Geolocational Extension

7 Relationship to FLYBY class MAP_PROJECTED and FLYBY classes are independent each other in the current UML structure – Data in FLYBY product may have some geographic information – Boundary between two classes should be carefully examined – However, such boundary would be better to hide from users (see Yamamoto’s presentation)

8 Example Entire view of the asteroid – Expected to be handled in FLYBY product – But a representative lat/lon coordinate could be defined for this image – Users probably want to find this image both by FLYBY style and geographical style

9 Category of Products Non map-projected data (Georeferenced data) – Define outline of the footprint – Instrument-based pixel coordinate Map-projected data (Geocoded data) – Define outline of the map – Define map projection parameters – Map-based pixel coordinate

10 Georeferenced data and Geocoded data MI L2C (georeferenced)MI L2C (geocoded) along-track directionnorth direction

11 MAP_PROJECTED class? Data in MAP_PROJECTED class may not be map-projected (geocoded) Current Class/Product name may be reconsidered Again, terms such as GEOGRAPHICAL or GEOLOCATIONAL suggested

12 Issues to be considered but not here Variations of expression on geographic coordinates Dictionary of coordinate names, map projection names and their related parameters Implementation problem: Handling on Spatial Relationships Further detailed considerations are required in the next term

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