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Micro-synchrophasors for power distribution systems December 6, 2013.

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1 Micro-synchrophasors for power distribution systems December 6, 2013

2 Smart grid: our clean energy future 2x 2012 1 Mil 2017 $25+ Bil 2020

3 “We’re not in Kansas anymore”

4 Synchrophasors: big data for the transmission grid Distribution micro-synchrophasors: the next frontier

5 Micro-synchrophasors measure phase angle differences δ phase angle δ phase angle deviation Micro-synchrophasor hardware

6 The micro-synchrophasor solution Micro-synchrophasors Control signal sent to field equipment OR Alert sent to control center Control signal sent to field equipment OR Alert sent to control center Diagnose problem Hardware Software Communications Data Concentrator 4G network

7 Market research will validate the micro-synchrophasor platform $4.4M Utilities Microgrid Operators Solar developers Data centers Refineries Potential customers Partner with utilities

8 Fault detection and location Unintentional island detection Microgrid reconnection Current problems -- the tip of the iceberg Medium/ long-term/ unknown Utilities Solar developers Microgrid operators Oscillation detection Reverse power flow detection FIDVR diagnosis State estimation Equipment health monitoring Ancillary services metering

9 Microgrid Interconnection Microgrid operatorUtility

10 Unintentional island detection

11 Fault/High impedance fault location Economic Cost of outages  $80B per year Distribution Grid Faults  90% of outages

12 Utility Fault Detection Microgrid Interconnection Unintentional Island Detection Global Market: $mil 2013 5 yr CAGR% Customer Metric Customer outage minutes Ability to island Anti-island < 2 sec Nuisance trips Competing Solutions Tree trimming More crews Line indicators FLISR Switchgear + relay Silicon control rectifier Power electronics Direct Transfer Trip Inverter Benchmark $500K/circuit $20K - $100K per interconnection $200K per commercial installation Competitive Advantage Reduced duration Seamless interconnect Higher reliability Fewer nuisance trips $1,039 $43 $107 8% 12% 11%

13 Software Complex value chain requires partnership Customers Installers Utilities Solar developers EPC Providers Technology Integrators Hardware Microgrid operators Technology Providers Product Manufacturers Technology Companies Research Centers and Universities Communications

14 Software Hardware Product Manufacturers Communications Product Development Timeline CustomersInstallers Utilities Solar developers EPC Providers Technology Integrators Microgrid operators Technology Providers Technology Companies Research Centers and Universities Product refinement (3-5 years) ARPA-E grant (0-3 years) Determine minimum hardware requirements Pilot micro- synchrophasors Write algorithms Apply for IP rights Data concentrator communication protocol Incorporate algorithms into application software Integrate software with control equipment Hardware Software Comms

15 Single-use value with utilities Solar developers Microgrid operators Market development Widespread adoption across grid Fault Detection and Location Unintentional island detection Microgrid reconnection Oscillation detection Reverse power flow detection FIDVR diagnosis State estimation Equipment health monitoring Ancillary services metering

16 uPMU can enable smart grid + starts with fault detect, solar islanding, microgrid interconnect Many pathways to commercialization 3 years of research ahead of us Importance of public funding for basic science—we have a long way to go

17 Thank you! Abigail Tinker MBA 2014 Grace Hsu JD 2014 Goutam Mahapatra MBA 2014 Brett Foreman MBA 2014 Diego Barido ERG 2017 Russ Neldam JD 2014 Sascha von Meier, Ron Hoffman, and the microsynchrophasor team Alexandra von Meier, Ron Hofmann, and the micro- synchrophasor team

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