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Shannon Deets, Ph.D.  My Driving Principles  Consciousness Defined  Altered Consciousness  Consciousness Research  Current Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Shannon Deets, Ph.D.  My Driving Principles  Consciousness Defined  Altered Consciousness  Consciousness Research  Current Studies."— Presentation transcript:


2 Shannon Deets, Ph.D.

3  My Driving Principles  Consciousness Defined  Altered Consciousness  Consciousness Research  Current Studies

4  Psychology as the study of what it means to be human  Psychology as the study of what it means to be aware of our own existence  Psychologists have a responsibility to make a difference in the world  A belief that consciousness is the key to change in the world

5  Deepak Chopra Deepak Chopra  Personal Experience  A process of being  Not directly observable by anyone else  Has a me-ness to it  More or less continuous

6  Content Consciousness vs Phenomenal Consciousness  A person’s awareness of everything that is going on internally and around him/her at any given moment, which is used to organize behavior  Waking Consciousness  Altered Consciousness

7  Professor A. Ware is conducting research that looks at the activity of the anterior cingulate cortex in novice and experienced meditators

8  Content

9  Ned Etate is a participant in Dr. A. Ware’s study. He discussed his experience of perceiving internal and external stimuli simultaneously during meditation.

10  Phenomenal

11  A student, Anu Researcher, wants to understand more about mirror neurons. Specifically, Anu has two questions.

12  Question one: “what are the functions of mirror neurons with regard to consciousness”

13  Content

14  Question two: “what do people experience socially during the activation of mirror neurons during experiences of alteration in consciousness?”

15  Phenomenal

16  State Theories  Role Theories  Trait Theories  Mind/Body Problem

17  Subjects who were given 60 seconds of training to increase their motivation demonstrated higher responsiveness to hypnotic suggestion.

18  Role

19  The ability to temporarily suspend the critical voice of the ego so that individuals feel less judgmental of themselves and others.  This is sometimes called ego transcendence.

20  State and Role!

21  While experiencing an alteration from waking consciousness participants reported having a part of themselves that continued to be aware of everything going on.  This is referred to as the Hidden Observer.

22  Role and State!

23  Essence of the Problem  A person’s awareness of everything that is going on internally and around him/her at any given moment, which is used to organize behavior.  Historical Contemplations  Rene Descartes



26  Historical Contemplations  Thomas Henry Huxley (epiphenomenalism)  Modern Western Contemplations  David Chalmers, The Hard Problem  Joseph Levine, The Explanatory Gap  Eastern Philosophy

27 Candace Pert/ Molecules of Emotion  Altered Consciousness Induced Through Authentic Movement (ACIM)  Phenomenological Study

28  Rationale  Methodology of My Study  16 individuals  24-62 years of age  Dance experience from less than one year to over 50 years  5 with formal dance training  3 with formal movement training

29  Historical Presentations  San  Native American  Greek Temple Dancing  Modern Presentations  ACIM example ACIM example

30 Overarching Model 21 Themes

31  Belief that ACIM is an universal ability  Belief that movement is an efficient route to altered consciousness  The role of chemical substances  The presence of an active observer  The role of focus  Universal connectedness  Super-consciousness

32  Energy  Transcending the ego  Increased self attributes  Increased acceptance  Transformation of the self  Elevation  Freedom

33  Well-being  Spiritual experience  Search for Truth/Reality  Changed Body Relationship  Ecstatic Emotional Experience  Community  Language

34  Autism  Adults with Intellectual Disabilities  Helping Professionals

35  Psychology as the study of what it means to be human  Psychology as the study of what it means to be aware of our own existence  Psychologists have a responsibility to make a difference in the world  A belief that consciousness is the key to change in the world

36   Academic Home  Consciousness: From Abstract Concept to Concrete Social and Emotional Change

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