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Renewable energy issues in the UK The concept of ‘Re-localisation’

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1 Renewable energy issues in the UK The concept of ‘Re-localisation’







8 Introduction – the issues Renewable /alternative forms of energy are central to the UK’s government’s plans for future energy provision and reductions in carbon emissions and climate change. Local communities have a wide range of reactions to these schemes – some in favour others very much against. NIMBY’s are increasingly slowing down the process of planning to these new schemes.

9 TASK. Listen and make notes on the BBC Radio 4 programme ‘Costing the Earth’-Monday 31 st August /Thursday 3 rd September (Turbines or tearooms) via i-player or the School website. Research the local issues related to the case studies examples referred to in the programme – Kent and Westray (Orkney) using local newspaper websites. Complete the following questions to help structure your report.

10 REPORT TITLE:- ‘The influence of local communities is key to the development of new renewable energy schemes’. Discuss the issues using case study examples.

11 Structure of report Introduction – outline the role that alternative types of energy are expected to play in the future provision of UK’s energy needs Main body – assess the reasons why some alternative energy schemes are not supported by local communities while others are. Use case study evidence to help support your ideas. Eg:-Kent, Westray (Orkney) and in Europe. Conclusion – explain what the concept of ‘re- localisation’ is and how it is working in one part of the UK.

12 Resources to help ‘Costing the Earth’ BBC Radio 4 programme on web site. Resource sheet Web-sites eg:- Handing in date – 16 th September (Wednesday)

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