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MƏKTƏB SİNİF ADI,SOYADI : Aydan Katibli, Orucova Afət, Rəsul Əliyev, Rəvan Yusibov, Nuran Səfərli, Rəvan Mammedov, Günay Həsənli, Hacı Balakişiyev, Şövkət.

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Presentation on theme: "MƏKTƏB SİNİF ADI,SOYADI : Aydan Katibli, Orucova Afət, Rəsul Əliyev, Rəvan Yusibov, Nuran Səfərli, Rəvan Mammedov, Günay Həsənli, Hacı Balakişiyev, Şövkət."— Presentation transcript:

1 MƏKTƏB SİNİF ADI,SOYADI : Aydan Katibli, Orucova Afət, Rəsul Əliyev, Rəvan Yusibov, Nuran Səfərli, Rəvan Mammedov, Günay Həsənli, Hacı Balakişiyev, Şövkət Həqqi, İsmayıl Məmmədov, Əli Rəhimov, Səid İsmayılov 27 NÖMRƏLİ



4 We live on the earth. The Earth is a planet which moves round the sun and gets light from it. When we say The Earth - people all over the world think about the air, water, plants and animals on the earth. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it. The Earth is full of wonders. There is a lot of water on the Earth. It is rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The Earth is 4600 million years old. The Sun shines on the Earth, the rain falls on it, the wind blows on it. Earth, our home planet. The Earth is a mirror of the world.


6 Enviroment is everything that is around us. The air we breath, the land on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all parts of the enviroment. It is very important to keep ourenviroment clean. Because clean air, clean water are important for our health.There are some enviromental problems. They are: air pollution, water pollution, destruction of nature.


8 What has happened to the Earth? Nowdays there are some serious environmental problems. One of them is Ozone problem. Around the Earth there is a special type of oxygen,which is colled ‘Ozone’.Ozone is important,because it stops ultraviolet radition from the sun. As you know nowadays factories and many aerosol sprays destroy it and they have made a very big hole in the Ozone layer. Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun enters the Earth this is very dangerous. Plants send a lot of smoke into the air and plants throw litters in the streets. All litters make carbon gas and pollution air. Peoples also cut down trees. The trees are so important and useful. They help to produce oxygen. That is why many animals can’t find food and leave their homes. Now they are disappearing. All this things is very dangerous!!!

9 There is much traffic jam in cities and cars send much smoke into the air and it pollutes it. Cars and buses send a lot of smoke into the air which we breathe. We must protect mother Earth!!!

10 When we first think of pollution we often think of trash by the side of the road. This type of pollution is called land pollution. Littering, or throwing rubbish on the ground, is a form of land pollution. Litter is unpleasant to look at. It also can destroy the habitats, or homes, of plants and animals. All that plastic and dirt that you throw on the ground dirties the land.

11 Water poluttion Water covers over 75% of the Earth’s surface. It is a very important resourse for people and the environment. Water poluttion affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. Some people wastes litters into the rivers, seas and lakes. Polutted water affects insects and sea animals’ life. Fish dies in polutted water. We must make filters to have clean water.

12 What should we do??? There are many problems in the world. This problems polluted water land air, cutting trees, killed animals and smoke problems. This problems killed nature.We should solve all this problems. Solving ways 1. We must reduce all plants. 2. We must recycle papers 3. We must reduce cutting trees 3.We must reduce killing animals. Birds and animals parts of nature. 4.We must reduce driving cars and we must ride a bike. 5.We must keep nature clean and beauty.


14 1. Don’t litter with paper, cans or bottles. 2. Clear rubbish from lakes and rivers. 3. Recycle used materials such as, metal, bottles and paper. 4. Save energy. Turn off the lights when you live a room.


16 Earth Day Earth Day is always on April 22nd. It takes place every year in almost 200 countries! Earth Day is one of the largest holidays of the year. Earth Day is about peace and about respecting our world. You plant trees on the last Friday in April. On Earth Day, you might clean up, maybe you ride a bike or take a bus instead of taking a car. You can take a shorter shower to save water. You could recycle instead of throwing things into the trash.

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