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First chapter The basics of law and economic law.

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1 First chapter The basics of law and economic law

2 Part One Concept and character of the law

3 Concept of law The Concept of Law is the most famous work of the legal philosopher H. L. A. Hart. It was first published in 1961 and develops Hart's theory of legal positivism (the view that laws are rules made by human beings and that there is no inherent or necessary connection between law and morality ).

4 Character of law First, law is a social norm regulating social relations or behaviors of people Second, law is a social norm reflecting the state will Third, law is a social norm providing rights and duties of citizens

5 The form of law Laws can be divided up into two sorts: primary rules (rules of conduct) and secondary rules (rules addressed to officials and which set out to affect the operation of primary rules).

6 Part Two China's legal system

7 Constitution and related laws The People's Republic of China is a socialist state under the dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. All power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people. The state organs of the People's Republic of China apply the principle of democratic centralism.

8 Civil and Commercial laws Commercial law (also known as business law, which covers also corporate law) is the body of law that governs business and commercial transactions. It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals with issues of both private law and public law. Commercial law includes within its compass such titles as principal and agent; carriage by land and sea; merchant shipping; guarantee; marine, fire, life, and accident insurance; bills of exchange and partnership.

9 The administrative law Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Government agency action can include rulemaking, adjudication, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda. Administrative law is considered a branch of public law.

10 The economic law The economic law is an analysis of law. Applying methods of economic. Economic concepts are used to explain the effects of laws, to assess which legal rules are economically efficent, and to predict which legal rules will be promulgated.

11 Social law Social laws have proved to be a powerful and theoretically elegant framework for coordination in multi-agent systems. Most existing models of social laws assume that a designer is attempting to produce a set of constraints on agent behaviour which will ensure that some single overall desirable objective is achieved.

12 Criminal law Criminal law, or penal law, is the body of law that relates to crime. It might be defined as the body of rules that defines conduct that is prohibited by the state because it is held to threaten, harm or otherwise endanger the safety and welfare of the public, and that sets out the punishment to be imposed on those who breach these laws. Criminal law is to be distinguished from civil law.

13 Litigation and non-litigation procedure law Litigation law, also referred to as litigation procedure law, covers various litigation activities. It regulates judicial activities, restricts the judicial power, protects the judicial justice and efficiency, and ensures from the procedural aspect the correct implementation of the substantive law, the exercise of substantive rights and the performance of substantive obligations.

14 Major regulatory documents in this branch of law are the Criminal Procedure Law, the Civil Procedure Law and the Administrative Procedure Law. Besides, this branch of law contains laws and regulations concerning qualifications and non-litigation procedures

15 Part three Overview of economic law

16 The concept of economic law and adjust the object Economic law has been the law on the status of the points at issue, is actually the law on the status of the economic law is not a legal problem, solution to this problem must be a clear economic law concept, prove its independence and the importance of, and, in theory and method on the related sector to differentiate on the basis of reality.

17 The nature of economic law Economic law is actually is a place of economic law on the status of legal issues, solve this problem must be a clear economic law concept to prove their independence and the importance, and in the theory and practice of law in the relevant sectors on the basis of distinction.

18 Status and role The importance of economic law from economic development process of the law to illustrate. Economic law has gone through a long process. As early as more than 2000 years ago, there was a written code, such as the code of Hammurabi, which has a lot of related legal provisions, but then the law is the law body, cannot be said to have produced the economic law.

19 The basic principles of economic law Economic law from its seeds has gone through more than 100 years downs course, its birth and development are accompanied by quarrels, academia at present there is no uniform definition. As the first step is to define the economic law of theoretical thinking, this is also the primary role of the economic law research scholars.

20 Part four Related economic legal system

21 Legal system The legal systems of the world today are generally based on one of three basic systems: civil law, common law, and religious law – or combinations of these. However, the legal system of each country is shaped by its unique history, and so incorporates individual variations.

22 Agent system A multi-agent system is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi- agent systems can be used to solve problems that are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or a monolithic system to solve. Intelligence may include some methodic, functional, procedural or algorithmic search, find and processing approach.Topics where multi- agent systems research may deliver an appropriate approach include online trading, disaster response, and modeling social structures.

23 Ownership of the system No matter who owns the system, one thing is definitely clear—it is in the best interests of the owners and the community to see that everything is covered. These systems offer new and more complex ownership and management challenges.

24 Claims system Claims system that is simple and responsive. As a learning organization, we want to be able to continually offer you better service and products. Our new Claims handling system is one aspect of our program of continuous quality improvement. Apart from its obvious purpose, the new system also gives us the opportunity to learn from you and to strengthen our partnership.

25 Thanks For Your Attention

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