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A HiRes Limit On Cosmogenic Neutrino Flux Weiran Deng High Energy Astrophysics Institute University of Utah APS-DPF 2006+JPS2006, Hawaii.

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Presentation on theme: "A HiRes Limit On Cosmogenic Neutrino Flux Weiran Deng High Energy Astrophysics Institute University of Utah APS-DPF 2006+JPS2006, Hawaii."— Presentation transcript:

1 A HiRes Limit On Cosmogenic Neutrino Flux Weiran Deng High Energy Astrophysics Institute University of Utah APS-DPF 2006+JPS2006, Hawaii

2 Weiran Deng, University of Utah UHE Cosmic Ray Spectrum and GZK Fits interpret spectrum in terms of extragalactic protons that traveled from cosmological sources p+    (1232)   +N      +     e  + e +  Neutrino Oscillation: 1 e + 1  + 1  AGASA HR2 HR1 Auger

3 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Cosmogenic Neutrino Flux From APS Multidivisional Neutrino Study (Neutrino Astrophysics and Cosmology Working Group)

4 Weiran Deng, University of Utah HiRes Collaboration S. BenZvi, J. Boyer, B. Connolly, C.B. Finley, B. Knapp, E.J. Mannel, A. O’Neill, M. Seman, S. Westerhoff Columbia University J.F. Amman, M.D. Cooper, C.M. Hoffman, M.H. Holzscheiter, C.A. Painter, J.S. Sarracino, G. Sinnis, T.N. Thompson, D. Tupa Los Alamos National Laboratory J. Belz, M. Kirn University of Montana J.A.J. Matthews, M. Roberts University of New Mexico D.R. Bergman, G. Hughes, D. Ivanov, L. Perera, S.R. Schnetzer, L. Scott, S. Stratton, G.B. Thomson, A. Zech Rutgers University N. Manago, M. Sasaki University of Tokyo R.U. Abbasi, T. Abu-Zayyad, G. Archbold, K. Belov, Z. Cao, W. Deng, W. Hanlon, P. Huentemeyer, C.C.H. Jui, E.C. Loh, K. Martens, J.N. Matthews, K. Reil, J. Smith, P. Sokolsky, R.W. Springer, B.T. Stokes, J.R. Thomas, S.B. Thomas, L. Wiencke University of Utah Z. Cao, B. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang IHEP Bejing

5 Weiran Deng, University of Utah High Resolution Fly’s Eye Experiment HR2: 12/1999 42 mirrors 3  -31  elevation HR1: 6/1997 22 mirrors 3  -17  elevation HiRes on DPG: Delta

6 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Mirror Optics SUN: ½ o Camera: 16 x 16 PMT each sees 1 o x 1 o in sky Mirror surface 5.1 m 2 Field of view: 16  x 14 

7 Weiran Deng, University of Utah To detect a tau neutrino …  decay channel:  - → e - + e +    - →  - +  +    - → h - (  -,K - ) +  

8 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Simulate Tau Neutrino Propagation All Neutrino Interaction Simulation (ANIS) by Gazizov & Kowalski, AMANDA Extension and modification: Topography, atmospheric density profile, propagation routine Incorporates: - cross sections: CC, NC, e  e - (resonant) -  (  ) energy loss (parameterization) - decay tables - TAUOLA for  -decay

9 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Local Topography Zenith 85 o 95 o

10 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Event Reconstruction - Geometry Construct: Shower Detector Plane (SDP)

11 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Find Good Events - SDP Reconstruction Error Before Plane Reconstruction: Remove calibration laser, flasher and aircraft events Remove events triggered by noise – Random Walk Filter Keep events with between 7 and 500 tubes. SDP reconstruction uncertainty [rad] 0.23 Degree

12 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Time Fitting Within SDP RpRp  detector: light arrival times t i 11 22 33 Outlier Removal Determine Fitting Quality: Curvature of the track Angular scanning range to find R p scanning range for R p direction

13 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Cosmic Rays vs. Neutrinos Cosmic ray events from neutrino events: Zenith Angle > 85.9 degree R p Distance [1km, 20km] RpRp detector shower R p distance [km] Zenith

14 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Final Events From Reconstruction All clear? Hr1: 77 - Hr2: 59 Suspicious? Events with same geometry

15 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Flux Limits for Cosmogenic Neutrinos Efficiency of HiRes to neutrino events from MC. Zero events found. Estimate upper limit with Poisson Statistics. Cosmogenic Neutrino Flux: j(E) =  E -2 Φ  [ eV s -1 sr -1 cm -2 ] HiRes-1HiRes-2Stereo 10 18 eV -> 10 19 eV: 167±5 10 19 eV -> 10 20 eV: 320±14 10 20 eV -> 10 21 eV: 5162±940 (errors statistical only)

16 Weiran Deng, University of Utah Summary

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