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State of the State 2016 MAJOR GENERAL Gregory Lusk Adjutant General.

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Presentation on theme: "State of the State 2016 MAJOR GENERAL Gregory Lusk Adjutant General."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the State 2016 MAJOR GENERAL Gregory Lusk Adjutant General

2 Organizational Vision 11,018 PAX Future End Strength FY 16 End Strength - 10,098 PAX NC can support more! Tanzania CTC 1. State CTC training event 2. Additional Resources for ABCT and ARB 3. Cyber Force Structure 4. Special Forces Force Structure 5. Expanded Partnerships 6. MILCON Tails funding Tomorrow Today 1.ABCT Overdrive – 587 PAX 2.ARB Overdrive – 72 PAX 3.Cyber – 95 PAX 4.SF BN – 126 PAX 5.SOD expansion – 40 PAX

3 Wilkesboro Morganton Connect NC Bond – Readiness Centers Seymour Johnson AFB Fort Bragg Active Duty Installations Coast Guard Sector NC HQ Camp Lejeune McLeansville Tarheel Challenge Academy NCNG Training Sites Camp Butner Fort Fisher (M1 INTEL TNG Site) New London Salemburg VIRGINIA 29 th Infantry Division Upward Mobility Ops 3rd Largest Military Presence 90 Readiness Centers 10,098 Authorized End Strength – FY16 2015 – Silver Division Third Place (Most Improved) 2016 – Gold Division Second Place 2017 – Top 4 with Site Visit Pending Elizabeth City Air Station Cherry Point MCAS NC can support more! Western Training Area

4 ARNG Assistance Requests 1.NC CTC training event AC Partners, NC Military, SPP Partners NGP2 Funding for TY17, 18, and 19 increased from $18M to $26M annually 2.Additional Resources for Priority Units (ABCT & ARB) ABCT & ARB Overdrive (659 PAX) Training (additional training days & priority for ranges / ARNG ABCT COE) 3. Cyber Force Structure Computer Warfare Company (33 PAX) Computer Security Company (36 PAX) Cyber BN HQ (26 PAX) 4.Special Forces Force Structure SF BN HQ (126 PAX) SOD-X Expansion (40 PAX) 5.Expanded Partnership Tanzania ABCT support of EUCOM AFRICOM 6. MILCON Tails funding - $5.2 million NC can support more!

5 ACOE Site Visit 31October-4November 2016 NC can support more! How to answer the questions from ACOE Site Visit Team Members: How you do it, not what you do Truthfully, and to your level of experience  Tell them what you know – don’t try to add or assume other parts of the process  Feel free to refer them to someone else for more information Systematic  Make sure to explain how your processes are systematic (repeatable using data and information). i.e. the monthly awards submission/approval process Highlight improvements and innovations to processes  Point out changes that may have occurred to the process  What led you to those changes? Try to link all changes to a fact-based evaluation [ie, EAGLE Process, AAR, Rapid Improvement Event (RIE), Internal Review, BALD EAGLE Process (using ACOE Self-Assessment and Feedback Report)] This is NOT an Inspection A Site Visit is used to verify and clarify our ACOE Self-Assessment

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