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1 Pupil Accounting for District Coordinators Genesee Intermediate School District Stacy Hodges, Brenda Walther and Melanie Wood.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pupil Accounting for District Coordinators Genesee Intermediate School District Stacy Hodges, Brenda Walther and Melanie Wood."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pupil Accounting for District Coordinators Genesee Intermediate School District Stacy Hodges, Brenda Walther and Melanie Wood

2 2 AGENDA 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Count Dates 3.Requirements for Membership 4.PAM Revisions 5.MSDS & Timelines 6.BREAK 7.Auditor’s Update 8.Legislative Updates 9.GAD


4 4 Requirements for Membership A pupil may be counted in state school aid membership if a district insures that all of the following occur: The pupil is:  At least 5 years of age on or before September 1 of the school year or by December 1 with parent notification  Less than 20 years on September 1 of the current school year  Less than 22 years on September 1 of the current year enrolled in a PSA or alternative education program that is primarily focused on educating pupils with extreme barriers  Special Education and less than 26 by September 1 AND have not received a diploma  a certificate of completion is not a diploma  may have a GED and count for membership in spec. ed.

5 5 Kindergarten Start Age  RSC: 380.1147  For 2016-17 a child must be 5 by September 1, 2016 or if 5 by December 1 and parent notifies district of intent to enroll, the child may be counted in membership  NO timelines for RSC or SAA  School Aid Act: Section 6(4)(l)(iii)  MDE refers to SAA language to require written parent notice.  Also applies to PSAs

6 6 Requirements for Membership The pupil is a resident of the district. If the pupil is not a resident, there are exceptions and special provisions that must be met and verified. (See green document)

7 7 Requirements for Membership  Pupil must have enrolled in the district prior to or on the count date. The pupil must be present on the count date.  If absent on the count day, the district must verify the pupil return to school for all class periods for instruction.  If the absence was excused –  Must attend within 30 calendar days  If the absence was unexcused –  Must have been enrolled and attendance prior to count day and must attend within 10 school days.

8 8 SUSPENDED OR EXPELLED PUPIL ON COUNT DAY A pupil who was enrolled and in attendance in a district before the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day but was expelled or suspended on the pupil membership count day or supplemental count day shall only be counted in membership if the pupil resumed attendance within 45 days after the pupil membership or supplemental count date. SAA 6(8) (PAM Section 3)

9 9 DAYS and Hours of Pupil Instruction  1098 hours for grades K-12  1098 hours for kindergarten for 1.0 FTE  DAY REQUIREMENT  MINIMUM 180 DAYS for 2016-17  Unless CBA as of July 1, 2013  ECSE = 144 days and 360 hours 72 hours within 180 days  Seat Time Waiver  Waiver for alternative education programs

10 10 Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction Forgiven Days / Hours  The first 6 days or equivalent number of hours that scheduled pupil instruction had to be cancelled beyond the control of the district, may be counted as hours of instruction  Weather  Fires  Epidemics  Utility power unavailability  Water or sewer failure  3 additional days may be waived with permission of the State Superintendent.

11 11 Days and Hours of Pupil Instruction  Forgiven days/hours = 6 days or equivalent hours (Can request waiver from State Superintendent for 3 additional)  60% attendance required instead of 75% for days added to end of school year  75% penalty is applied to entire district

12 12 Attendance Records  Electronic Attendance – state guidelines  Must be signed by the teacher on a weekly basis at a minimum  Must be printed and signed weekly for the full week prior to count day (M-F), count week and 30 calendar days after the count date  District must have an electronic attendance procedure.

13 PAM Revisions 13

14 MSDS & Timelines 14

15 BREAK 15

16 Auditors’ Update 16

17 17 Legislative Update SCHOOL AID ACT 2016-17 KEY PROVISIONS

18 90 current Oct/ 10 previous Feb and other changes to §6(4) “membership”  §6(4) no change to 90% current Oct/10% previous Feb for state aid membership calculation but §25e adjustments for Strict Discipline Academies only and change reference from “online” to “virtual”  §6(4)(l) FTE eligibility to those less than 20 on Sept 1 expanded the 20-22 year old exception under §6(4)(l)(ii) to delete that the PSA or alt ed program is “primarily focused on educating homeless” and instead pupil has to have “extreme barriers to education, such as being homeless” and no longer requires that pupil be out of school for at least a year

19 §20 Foundation Allowance  Basic foundation allowance $8229 (+$60)  Minimum foundation allowance $7511 (+$120) with additional language covering the Community District (new DPS)  Maximum PSA allocation is $7511, the minimum foundation allowance  §20f $18m for districts who didn’t get greater than a $5 increase in 2013-14 and/or who didn’t get greater than a $25 increase in 2015-16  §20m - former 20j hold harmless districts; those above $8169 - insure they get the minimum foundation allowance increase of $60

20 § 23a Dropout Recovery Programs  In addition to 30 day submission timeline change referenced in § 6(4)(dd)  § 23a(3)(e) defines teacher of record as teacher who holds valid Michigan teaching certificate who, if applicable, is endorsed in subject area and grade of course and is responsible for providing instruction, assessing learning, reporting outcomes (same language as §21f)  § 25g $.75m for dropout recovery programs

21 Dual Enrollment Incentive  §64b Dual Enrollment Incentive Payments funding maintained at $1.75m –  $10 per credit up to 3 credits and $30 upon successful completion if course for both high school and postsecondary credit

22 Days and Hours -180 Days, 1098 Hours NEW DS 4168 D/CH Certification  §101(3)(a) 1,098 hours without PD time per 101(10)(unless CBA as of 7/1/13)  §101(3)(b) Beginning in 2016-17 days is 180 up from 175 days (unless CBA in effect as of 6/24/14)  NEW §101(3)(a)(ii)(c) BY AUGUST 1 district either certify to MDE that in compliance with days and hours requirement or report to MDE each instance of noncompliance  §101(3)(f) 75% attendance requirement  §101(3)(g) if add a day at the end of the year to make up a day only need 60% attendance  §101(4) first 6 days snow days, plus 3 more days with approval of State Supt

23 §107 Adult Ed – Big Changes  §107(1) Adult Ed maintains $25m SAF funding  §107(3) adds adult secondary education program and deletes job or employment related programs so Adult Ed now is 1) ESL 2) HS equivalency test prep program; 3) HSC or 4) adult secondary ed program  §107(3) deletes all current participant eligibility requirements and replaces with 1) at least 20 years old or 2) is 18 and class has graduated, i.e. July 1 after 18 th birthday...  §107(4) postpones phase-in formula for one more year so 2/3 old method 1/3 new method for one more year, then in 2017-18 1/3 old method 2/3 new method and in 2018-19 100% new method  §107(5) adds that regional strategy also address barriers to education and employment  §107(6) deletes that payment is based on FTEs and hours of instruction (250 FTE for 450 hour program)

24 High School Equivalency Test Replaces GED Test – more options  SB 216, 2016 PA 56 (eff 6/26/16) replaces GED references in SAA with “high school equivalency test” and “high school equivalency certification”  Dept of Talent and Economic Development has to approve at least one high school equivalency test (GED, HiSET, TASC), now via SB 801, 2016 PA 249, the 2016- 17 SAA, has to approve 3!  GED test retooled in 2014, more rigorous, less passers, need for more options MCL 388.1604, 1606, 1707

25 25 Graduation/Dropout Rates  MSDS  GAD

26 26 COHORT BASED GRADUATION & DROPOUT RATES Very Important!!!  Accurate exit codes  Accurate UIC  Summer Grads  Must have been reported by 9/14

27 Grad Appeal Process  July 20 – September 14  Review cohort and PEPE reports in MSDS  Make corrections in MSDS / SRM  Report summer grads (on or before Aug. 31)  Can’t claim FTE for student who was previously reported as a grad 27

28 28  Student Status  Dropout – Reported as having dropped out  MER – Missing expected record  Marked as continuing  Marked as transfer in state, not confirmed  Exempt – Exited out of State, Exited to non-public  Shared Time, non-public continuing – not included  Uses Residency codes, not exit codes, ’19’ kids Graduation & Dropout Review

29 29  Exit code changes  Prior to 7/1/15 – Can’t make in SRM  Submit to auditors during audit cycle  Look at ALL cohorts  Even 2017,18,19,20 grads  Clean up EVERYTHING that happened last year and prior Graduation & Dropout Review

30 30  After 9/14/16  Data taken out of MSDS, into GAD  Auditors run cyclical audit  Audits completed by 12/01/2016  Changes not caught by 9/14 Auditor’s discretion (Uh, that means we’ll still update)  CEPI will provide prelim rates – Oct. 17, 2016  1/31/17 rates finalized, reported to USED Graduation & Dropout Review

31 31 Questions?

32 32 Questions? Stacy Hodges Business Services Administrator Pupil Accounting Auditor, GISD (810) 591-4422 Brenda Walther Melanie Wood Pupil Accounting Auditor, GISD (810) 591-4611(810) 591-4492

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