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CONTENTS Introduction Objective Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) Wind Power System Topology Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) System Configuration.

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2 CONTENTS Introduction Objective Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) Wind Power System Topology Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) System Configuration Simulation Model Of DFIG When Unbalanced Load Is Connected To Grid Simulation Model Of DFIG When Non-linear Load Is Connected To Grid Comparison Of THD Based On Shunt Active Filter Connected Across Load Conclusion

3 INTRODUCTION As the power demand is increasing, generation units to feed the loads are also have been increasing. The increasing emphasis on renewable wind energy has given rise to augmented attention on more reliable and advantageous electrical generator systems.

4 OBJECTIVE The main objective is to extract maximum power from wind energy, by using different induction generators i.e SCIG and DFIG and comparison of both generators for distribution line voltage, active and reactive power control. Due to the non linearity or unbalance load connected to grid, they increases THD of system and reduce system performance. This can be overcome by using shunt active filter connecting across load.

5 SCIG Wind Power System Topology

6 Simulation Model For SCIG With Out STATCOM

7 Description SCIG is of fixed speed generator for a particular wind speed, the output active power is fixed as well It is worthy to notice that, with out reactive power source SCIG system tends to lead to a voltage droop in distribution line To provide necessary reactive power, a STATCOM is added on the distributed line to investigate the improvement

8 Vw (m/s) Wr (p.u) P (MW) Q(Mvar) BETA(deg.) Line voltage Time (sec.) Simulation Results For SCIG With Out STATCOM

9 Simulation Model For SCIG With STATCOM

10 Vw (m/s) Wr (p.u) P (MW) Q(Mvar) BETA(deg.) Line voltage Time (sec.) Simulation Results For SCIG With STATCOM

11 Comparison Of Distributive Line Voltage For SCIG Without And With STATCOM

12 Doubly Fed Induction Generator System Configuration

13 Simulation Model Of DFIG For Wind Step Response

14 Description STATCOM provides impressive help on constant distribution line voltage, DFIG presents better results and does not need the help from STATCOM STATOR-SIDE CONVERTER CONTROL SYSTEM :  stator side converter circuit is used to maintain constant dc link voltage which is fed to rotor side converter ROTOR-SIDE CONVERTER CONTROL SYSTEM:  Rotor side converter (RSC) provide excitation for the induction machine rotor with this PWM convertor it is possible to control the torque. Consequently the active and reactive power is controlled.

15 V dc(V) Wr(P.U) P(M.W) Q(Mvar) Vw(m/s) Line voltage Time (sec.)

16 Simulation Model Of DFIG When Unbalanced Load Is Connected To Grid


18 Comparison Of THD For Unbalanced Load Connected To Grid THD Before Connecting SAFTHD After Connecting SAF

19 Simulation Model Of DFIG When Non-Linear Load Is Connected To Grid


21 Comparison Of THD For Non- Linear Load Connected To Grid THD Before Connecting SAFTHD After Connecting SAF

22 Conclusion

23 References Z. Chen, J. M. Guerrero, and F. Blaabjerg, “A review of the state of threat of power electronics for wind turbines,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron.,vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1859–1875, Aug. 2009. Y. Lei, A. Mullane, and G. Lightbody, “Modeling of the wind turbine with a doubly fed induction generator for grid integration studies,” IEEE Trans.Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 257–264, Mar. 2006. H. Sun, Y. Ren, and H. Li, “DFIG wind power generation based on back to-back PWM converter,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Mechatron. Autom.,Aug. 2009, pp. 2276–2280. L. Xu and P. Cartwright[7], “Direct active and reactive power control of DFIG for wind energy generation,” in Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Anal. Optim. Syst., 1988, pp. 127–137. M. shilpi sani, “ Review of Doubly fed induction generators used in wind power generation”. ISSN NO. 2231-1289, Volume 4, No. 3 (2013). C. Smith, Mike barnes and peter j. Tavner, “ Improved Energy Conversion For Doubly Fed Wind Generators” IEEE transaction on industry applications, Vol. 42. No.6 (2006). M. Orabi, T. Ahmed, and M. Nakaoka, “Efficient performances of induction generator for wind energy utilization,” in Proc. 30th Annu. Conf. IEEE Ind. Elect. Soc., Nov. 2004, pp. 838–843


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