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What is Change? Change in organizations is defined as the altering of “behavior, structures, procedures, purposes, or outputs of some unit within the organization.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Change? Change in organizations is defined as the altering of “behavior, structures, procedures, purposes, or outputs of some unit within the organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Change? Change in organizations is defined as the altering of “behavior, structures, procedures, purposes, or outputs of some unit within the organization (Hanson, 1985) Extensive Organizational Change: any intentional shift in the way the organization does business Change is a process rather than a single adjustment Kohl’s Five Step Model: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption Change is the primary means by which any organization or system remains fit, healthy and able to cope with new and differing demands.

2 Types of Change Enforced, expedient, or essential (Lipham, Rankin, and Hoeh, 1985) Enforced Change: the results of need identifies from external forces Expedient Change: involves meeting immediate concerns and is generally short term or reactionary Essential Change: derived from internal rather than external sources Planned Change: a deliberate attempt to direct change within a set of predetermined goals and values Unplanned Change: enforced change, unanticipated and often forces on a school system or an organization

3 Resistance to Change Eight Reasons why employees resist change. Stanislao (1983) Surprise and fear of the unknown, Climate of mistrust, fear of failure, loss of status and/or job security, peer pressure, disruption of cultural traditions and/or group relationships, personality conflicts, and lack of tact of poor planning Organizational culture: knowledge of how things are and how things ought to be

4 Theoretical Implications of Change Social thinking about change takes two different approaches. The first emphasizes a historical deterministic thread that often reduces change to inexorable laws. The second perspective, the human component is given center stage. Stage one: by chance, discovery, trial, and error Stage two: intervention Stage three: democratic planning

5 Strategies for Change Three Basic Roots of Strategies (Chin and Benne, 1969) Rational-Empirical Model – underlies education Normative- Reeducative Strategies – emphasize intervention in a client system Power-coercive strategy – applies political, economic, and moral power Action Research Model (Huse and Cummings) in Seven Steps Problem identification, consultation, data gathering and preliminary diagnosis, feedback, joint diagnosis of the problem, action, data gathering after action

6 Models for Planned Change and Their Use Six Facets-General Model of Change (Beckhard and Harris, 1977)

7 Leadership and Change Classic approach to leadership vs. Participative leadership models vs. Supportive leadership Leadership in learning organization involves three roles: designer, teacher, and steward (Senge, 1990)

8 Change Agents A change agent is a person, group or organization seeking to produce change in a system Perform three functions in establishing an effective change-inducing system: recruitment, development, and control Effective change agents are systems thinkers prepared for and planning for complexities of multisystem interactions and long-term ripple effects one a change is implemented

9 Managing Planned Change Many organizations embark on a change process with erroneous assumptions about the current state of the organization

10 Decision Making Change in any part of a system will create impact on other parts of the system.

11 Effecting Educational Change The shift of school ownership, the advent of the information age, demographic shifts in funding, growing poverty among underclass children, demands of new market segment, and the quality of output of schools all have focused attention on reexamination of the efficiency and effectiveness of school systems



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