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” Study Of Employees Training At NBCC (India) Limited” Presented By- Khushboo Verma MBA 2 nd Year Presented To- Prof. Arun Mital Head of The.

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Presentation on theme: "” Study Of Employees Training At NBCC (India) Limited” Presented By- Khushboo Verma MBA 2 nd Year Presented To- Prof. Arun Mital Head of The."— Presentation transcript:

1 ” Study Of Employees Training At NBCC (India) Limited” Presented By- Khushboo Verma MBA 2 nd Year 1505270027 Presented To- Prof. Arun Mital Head of The Department

2 Company Overview NBCC (India) Limited, a Navratna organization under category I, is a Central Public Sector Undertaking owned by Government of India. The Company’s present areas of operations are categorized into three main segments, i.e. ◦Project Management Consultancy (PMC), ◦Real Estate Development & ◦EPC ( Engineering Procurement Construction ) Contracting

3 Introduction Every organization needs to have well- trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done.

4 Objective of The Study To acquire a thorough knowledge base on subject of Training and Development. To study how Training and Development programmes are undertaken in the organization. To study the effectiveness of Training in the organization. To know process of Training at NBCC (INDIA) Ltd.

5 Research Methodology Data which is required for the analysis and fulfilment of our objectives has been collected from two sources. They are: 1. Primary Sources 2. Secondary Sources PRIMARY DATA: The data collected from the field under the control and supervision of an investigator is known as Primary Data. It includes the first hand information. It can view as a survey. SECONDARY DATA: Secondary Sources include the information collected from the annual reports, published and unpublished records of the company, various books and journals and internet also being used for collecting the relevant data.

6 TRAINING at NBCC (INDIA) Ltd. NBCC (INDIA) LTD. conducted two types training programs for their employees:  In-house Training Program  External Training program 1. IN-HOUSE TRAINING PROGRAM In House Training Programs are organized in the office premises by NBCC faculty and are usually job/function/department specific or skill development or related to introduction of a new product of the Corporation etc. Nomination Methodology for In House Training: The employees will be trained at the location of their posting. The nominations for the various in house programs are sought from the Head of the Department/Zonal Heads on the monthly basis by the HRM.

7  Orientation Program for New Joinees- All the new joinees in NBCC (starting from JE/ MT levels) will attend the Orientation Program of One week upon their joining in the company. 2. EXTERNAL TRAINING PROGRAM The programs conducted by External Training Division are coordinated and arranged with the service providers at the best available cost. The external trainings can be divided into:  Domestic Training Programs  International Training Programs  Periodicity Minimum two days training to all employees every year depending upon the nature of training program.

8 FINDINGS  Employee learning needs are identified and catered to properly.  Employees are not keen to take up training programs due to their personal choices regarding training.  Less number of external training conducted by NBCC.

9 SUGGESTIONS  Evaluation of Training Program is very important to determine Effectiveness of Training.  The organization can also arrange part-time training programmes in the office premises for short durations, spanning over a few days, in order to avoid any interruption in the routine work.  More external training program for employee should be conducted.

10 CONCLUSION  Company is spending good amount on training programs of employees.  Employees are more able to perform their work very effectively through a training program.  an employee can become multi-skilled with a proper training.


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