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Welcome Dr Mohammad Nurul Hoque Senior Teacher Department of Science English Version Cambrian School & College.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Dr Mohammad Nurul Hoque Senior Teacher Department of Science English Version Cambrian School & College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Dr Mohammad Nurul Hoque Senior Teacher Department of Science English Version Cambrian School & College

2 Characteristics of Annelida, Arthropada, Mollusca, Echinodermata Chapter: ONE Lesson: 4-5

3 Lesson Outcome Say what is Annelida Say what are the characteristics of Mollusca After this lesson students will able to… Explain the characteristics of Echinodermata

4 1. Nephridia 2. Setae 3. Chitinous 4. Muscular foot 5. Coelom 6. Flame cell Important words

5 Annelida (1) Body is tubular and segmented. (2) Nephridia is present as excretory system. (3) Each segment contains setae that helps in locomotion (exception -no setae in leeches) Example : Earthworm, Leech.

6 Earthworm Leech Segmentation

7 Arthropada (1) Body is segmented and with joint appendages. (2) Head bears a pair of compound eyes and antenna. (3) Soft body is covered with hard chitinous exoskeleton. (4) Body cavity is filled with blood and is known as haemocoel. Example: Butterfly, prawn, cockroach, crab.

8 Butterfly Prawn Cockroach Crab Head Compound Eyes Exoskeleton

9 Mollusca General characteristics (1) Soft body, usually covered with hard shell. (2) Muscular foot used for locomotion. (3) Gaseous exchange (Respiration) takes place by lungs or gills. Example : Snail, Mussel.

10 SnailMussel Hard Shell Muscular Foot

11 Echinodermata General characteristics (1) Dermal skin bears spine. (2) Body is divided into five equal parts (i.e. pentamerous.). (3) A unique water-vascular system is present and locomotion is done by tube feet. (4) No distinct head, dorsal and ventral surface in adults. Example : Starfish, Sea cucumber.

12 StarfishSea Cucumber Spine skin

13 Class Work Find out the answers of given MCQs

14 Feedback What is characteristic of Annelida In which group spinal skin is shown? In which group compound eyes are seen?

15 Home Work Solution of Book Creative 1

16 Thank YOU

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