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WTO Public Symposium Trade Facilitation: A tool for Development 2005-04-21, GVA, CH Jean E. Kubler U NITED N ATIONS E CONOMIC C OMMISSION.

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Presentation on theme: "WTO Public Symposium Trade Facilitation: A tool for Development 2005-04-21, GVA, CH Jean E. Kubler U NITED N ATIONS E CONOMIC C OMMISSION."— Presentation transcript:

1 WTO Public Symposium Trade Facilitation: A tool for Development 2005-04-21, GVA, CH Jean E. Kubler U NITED N ATIONS E CONOMIC C OMMISSION FOR E UROPE

2 UN/CEFACT UNECE regional level and cooperation with other UN Regional Commissions and organizations Develop and maintain international standards and instruments; Integrating UN/CEFACTs instruments into the new policy frameworks; Strategic capacity building and promotion to support greater implementation of existing instruments Simple, Transparent and Effective Processes for Global Business. UN/CEFACT Mission

3 UN/CEFACT Enquiry Validation Credit Arrangements Refund claim Long Lead items Export Licence Short Lead Components Delivery to port Documentation Dehire GKN pallets Delivery to customers warehouse Unload and store Retail sale Payment by customer Payment of transport and FOB charges £ Added value and cost Omagh to Algeria. 1 Order – 360 net tonnes, 21 weeks Invoice and order administration Unload, re- pack Delivery to customs warehouse Exit clearance from community Refund payment and administration 12 13 15 16 19 21 Weeks (approx) Main vessel loading Sea Crossing Main vessel off-loading Artwork Order receipt and administration Request Health Certificates, Licences Documentation Pre-shipment Inspection Customs formalities (Inland) Manufacture Load and despatch Proof of export Inwards clearance Economic efficiency

4 UN/CEFACT Logistics costs worldwide Source: Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, 2002 RegionCountryLogistics as % of GDP (1997) North America Mexico15.3 USA10.5 Europe Belgium11.4 France12.0 Germany13.1 Greece12.6 Spain14.7 Asia/Pacific China16.5 India15.4 South America Brazil15.0

5 UN/CEFACT Total Trade Transaction – Integrated supply-chain The UN/CEFACT Vision Trade facilitation Competitiveness – trade efficiency

6 UN/CEFACT But the objectives must be clear Balance revenue enhancing, economic efficiency, security, external trade policy for market access FacilitationEfficiency Exchange of goods and services Government Regional Security Production Private National trade Colombus Ministerial Declaration on Trade Efficiency, UNCTAD 1994

7 UN/CEFACT How: The International Trade Transaction Process BUY SHIP PAY Seller Buyer Intermediary Authority

8 UN/CEFACT The International Trade Transaction Process BUY Establish Business Agreement Request Quotation Negotiate Agree Contract Order INVOLVES Commercial Procedures Establish Contract Order Goods Advise On Delivery Request Payment

9 UN/CEFACT The International Trade Transaction Process SHIP Prepare for Export Transport Prepare for Import INVOLVES Transport Procedures Establish Transport Contract Collect,Transport and Deliver Goods Provide Waybills, Goods Receipts Status reports etc. Regulatory Procedures Obtain Import/Export Licences etc Provide Customs Declarations Provide Cargo Declaration Apply Trade Security Procedures Clear Goods for Export/Import V: Transit - VIII: Proportionality- X: Publication

10 UN/CEFACT The International Trade Transaction Process PAY Prepare for Payment Request Payment Initiate Payment Execute Payment Advise Payment INVOLVES Financial Procedures Provide Credit Rating Provide Insurance Provide Credit Execute Payment Issue Statements

11 UN/CEFACT GATT 1994: V, VIII, X, VII (valuation for customs purposes), IX (marks of origin) Agreements: Customs valuation, import licensing Procedures, Preshipment inspection, Rules of Origin, technical Barriers to Trade, Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures GATS: Transport, Financing, Telecommunciations TRIPS: Boarder measures for counterfeit and pirated goods WTO rules relevant to trade facilitation


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