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ASH EDU 644 W EEK 6 F INAL C REATING A W EB - B ASED R ESOURCE FOR A P OPULATION A T R ISK Check this A+ tutorial guideline at

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1 ASH EDU 644 W EEK 6 F INAL C REATING A W EB - B ASED R ESOURCE FOR A P OPULATION A T R ISK Check this A+ tutorial guideline at web-based-resource-for-a-population-at-risk For more classes visit EDU 644 Week 6 Final Creating a Web-Based Resource for a Population At Risk Throughout this course, you have had the opportunity to examine various populations at risk and learn about strategies and resources to support these groups. You have reviewed many websites that offer services for a variety of populations at risk as well, which have hopefully served as models for your website that is finalized for this Final Project. In the Final Project, you will demonstrate mastery of the five course learning outcomes by completing the website resource you have been designing throughout the course that describes what you learned about children and families at risk as well as a specific population you selected as a focus during Week Five. Additionally, the website you create here may be an effective artifact to include in your MAED program eportfolio during your enrollment in the Capstone, EDU695, and will likely be useful to you as a resource for future professional work with your chosen population at risk from this project.

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