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Presented by: Sherlene Lapuz Mary Grace Paduit Roxanne April Peralta history of PLAY.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Sherlene Lapuz Mary Grace Paduit Roxanne April Peralta history of PLAY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Sherlene Lapuz Mary Grace Paduit Roxanne April Peralta history of PLAY

2 He was a Francophone Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of the 18th century Rousseau wrote about observing children at play Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762)

3 MILDRED PARTEN Mildred Parten (1902– after 1932) was an American sociologist, a researcher at University of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development.

4 MILDRED PARTEN She completed her doctoral dissertation in 1929. She developed the theory of SIX stages of child's play and she was one of the first to conduct extensive studies on children for the case of play.

5 He was a German pedagogue. He developed the educational toys known as Froebel Gifts He wrote in In the Education of Man wrote about symbolic play- play is not sport but has meaning and importance Friedrich Fröbel (1903)

6 He was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis Freud’s Little Hans case- five year old with phobias Sigmund Freud (1909)

7 Anna and Melanie was an Austrian-British psychoanalyst. Melanie was a leading innovator in object relations theory Anna Freud and Melanie Klein (1919-1930s)

8 They use toys in therapy with children and introduced completing theories- Klein said play had meaning; Freud said play built a relationship with the therapist Anna Freud and Melanie Klein (1919-1930s)

9 Carl Rogers was an American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology while Virginia Mae Axline was a psychologist and one of the pioneers in the use of play therapy. Carl Rogers and Virginia Axline (1940-1970s)

10 Carl Rogers develops person centered therapy and his student Virginia Axline develops child centered play therapy and applied theory to school counseling and teaching. Carl Rogers and Virginia Axline (1940-1970s)

11 Play therapy programs are started in Universities– North Texas’ program started in 1989 and the Association for Play Therapy established in 1982 1980s-present


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