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Types of start up. Lesson-6. Start ups. Possibilities of new venture formation. Factors making it possible to create new venture.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of start up. Lesson-6. Start ups. Possibilities of new venture formation. Factors making it possible to create new venture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of start up. Lesson-6

2 Start ups. Possibilities of new venture formation. Factors making it possible to create new venture.

3 Factors. Individual’s culture. Sub culture. Family. Teachers. Peer group.

4 What makes it possible to form a new co.? Infrastructure. Education and experience. Size. Elements of marketing mix. Government. Background. Role models. He could do it so can I?

5 Marketing. Finance. Personal saving. Credit. Friends. Relatives.

6 Types of starts ups. Life style firm. Small venture that support the owner’s –and usually does not grow. Limited money. No research and development. 30 to 40 employees. Rs.25cr.turnover. Little opportunities to grow and expansion.

7 Start ups. Foundation co. A type of co. formed from research and development that usually does not go public. Foundation for a new business area. In 5-10 years can grow. 400 employees. Rs.25cr.-50cr.revenue. Private investors.

8 Start ups. High potential venture. A venture that has high growth potential and therefore receives great investors interest. In 5-10 years can grow. Rs.50cr. –Rs.75cr. revenue. These are Gazelles. Very high growth venture.

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