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Baseline Technical Review – Central Region Accelerator Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Baseline Technical Review – Central Region Accelerator Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baseline Technical Review – Central Region Accelerator Systems
Marc Ross, (Fermilab) Nick Walker, (DESY) and Akira Yamamoto (KEK) Baseline Design definition for TDR BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

2 Review Structure Basic format for each AS
Comprehensive review of design Survey of risk-related R & D Focus on identified key aspects CFS requirements Costs Stakeholders must contribute! BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

3 Key aspects to BTRs Comprehensive review of proposed design
Focus on changes with respect to RDR “change control” Attempt to make key design decisions where necessary Report R & D Review CFS requirements Review of cost Prepare baseline documents for EDMS Written BTR Report BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

4 BTRs July 2011 INFN Frascati October 2011 DESY January 2012 KEK
Damping Ring October 2011 DESY Electron source Positron source RTML (including bunch compressor) BDS / MDI Central region integration (general) January 2012 KEK Main linac and SCRF technology March 2012 CERN CFS (global) BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

5 GDE Plenary meetings and Reviews - Schedule:
Baseline Reviews Formalize Changes to 2007 Reference Design DESY ( ), KEK ( ), CERN ( ) GDE Plenary meetings: Korea Gyeongju ( )  Cost information US Arlington Texas - LCWS ( ) TDR Workshop(?): Review, assemble, rework initial drafts Early summer, between plenary meetings BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

6 2012 - ILC TDR: Two Volumes R & D:
A description of the global risk-mitigating R & D program carried out during the Technical Design Phase. Must include enough detail to support design changes and improvements made to the 2007 Reference Design for the new Baseline. Design: A definitive description of the Baseline Design (similar in scope and expository tone to RDR) BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

7 TDR  RDR AS: CFS: Beam Test Facilities R & D Both in Vol. 1… but
Vol. 2 must describe the effect of R & D on the design CFS: Mostly new Substantial investment, to be reflected in a new design and improved cost estimate Site-specific adaptation of the design  important BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

8 TDP Accel. System R & D (Central region)
BDS: Atf2 travelling down the convergence slope. e+: Flux concentrator Target e-: Gun RTML: Emittance growth Phase tolerances MDI BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

9 DESY BTR Action List this is the footer text

10 Definition of lattice treaty points
Source (e-) to DR (e-) DR (e±) to RTML (e±) RTML (e±) to Main Linac (±) Main linac (e-) to e+ source  needed e+ source to BDS e+ source to DR (e+) Main Linac (e+) to BDS (e+)  needed ? this is the footer text

11 Main Dump Physical space required for dump Shielding requirements
Integration into BDS CFS solution ... this is the footer text

12 Integrated lattice design
Move DR transfer tunnel - BDS branch point upstream of Main Dump location Adjustment of initial spin angle (PLTR/ELTR) and subsequent geometry, DR location etc Cost impact Solution/Requirements for RTML to match current CFS Main Linac cross section this is the footer text

13 Review Central region tunnel solutions
Service tunnel solution Transverse tunnel sections ... this is the footer text

14 CFS (general) Produce list of lasers and their locations Gun
Polarimetry (BDS) Profile monitors this is the footer text

15 5 GeV SCRF Booster Linacs
Review choice of gradient etc. Rating to include current ‘overhead’ x1.5 Choice of HLRF and its layout in the tunnels Not KCS Cryogenic supply and transfer lines ... this is the footer text

16 e+ source specific Remote handling requirements and shaft requirements
Reduced Field FC as TDR baseline Spin flipping system Evaluate space requirements; include space in LTR Understand tolerances and systematics this is the footer text

17 Check heat-load for capture RF @ 10Hz ...
e- source specific Check heat-load for capture 10Hz ... this is the footer text

18 Accelerator Parameter Table Updates
Update e+ parameters for reduced field FC DR acceptance 5GeV booster parameters (incl. over-production) Check energy spreads (two-stage compressor) Consolidate LET emittance growth table ... This is outstanding for over a year. Talk to Nikolay and Kubo about the status. Was it every completed?This is outstanding for over a year. Talk to Nikolay and Kubo about the status. Was it every completed? this is the footer text

19 Compressor Assume two-stage for TDR baseline Consolidate CFS criteria
Subject to re-evaluation Consolidate CFS criteria Energy acceptance of extraction lines Large energy-error beams Cryomodule focusing magnet ... I'm guessing Vic & Co have been working on the SB2009 assumption for a single-stage. All of this work will need to be reverted to RDR.I'm guessing Vic & Co have been working on the SB2009 assumption for a single-stage. All of this work will need to be reverted to RDR. Needs review. Also needs discussion of what the acceptance requirement should be. This depends on commissioning, tuning and fast abort scenarios.Needs review. Also needs discussion of what the acceptance requirement should be. This depends on commissioning, tuning and fast abort scenarios. this is the footer text

20 FD integration Polarimetry – near RTML?
Detector / MDI Issues FD integration Polarimetry – near RTML? this is the footer text

21 Aux. e+ source Assume Kuriki style for TDR baseline
500 MeV s-band linac incorporation of thick target: ‘MOSAIC’ to be studied ... Understand how the source can best be used this is the footer text

22 Operations and Commissioning Study
Need to form a task force: Charge? Review of dumps, diagnostic stations etc. Early commissioning Machine development possibilities this is the footer text

23 Dumps:; bandwidth CFS List (11.2009): Any lost dumps?
E+ fast abort 11 KW Bandwidth requirement Linac bandwidth: low end 50% E_0 BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

24 CFS agenda for Cern BTR:
Mountain Region Site development BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

25 Friday, 28 October, 2011 Central Region CFS Integration
To be discussed: 09:00 – 11:00 and 14:00 – 15:30 From the Review: Discrepancies and inconsistencies Layouts: EDMS (Benno), US CFS drawings, beamline schematics Dumps: location, usage scheme and capacity. Footprint. 10 Hz Source operation – dump scheme. Tunnel enlargement profile: location of step changes, total volume. Transverse space requirements Installation strategies for key components: HLRF and cryomodules Critical support subsystems: HLRF, Cryo, lasers and magnet power Service tunnel space usage (equipment types, totals and footprint) Visit to Virtual Reality Room Detector Hall: 11: :30 Shaft strategy Utility requirements

26 DESY BTR – 27.10.2011 Reduced Field FC as TDR baseline
Two-stage for TDR baseline Auxiliary Source with Kuriki parameters Booster HLRF Rating to include current ‘overhead’ x1.5 Booster HLRF not KCS BTR Closing DESY Marc Ross, Fermilab

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